Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint

Sep 27, 2020
@shahnago again with this? No they were thinking of doing that to her.
This was an argued discussion if she was rape or assaulted back 4 or 5 months ago let's agree to disagree and move on the current heewon seems happy and likes blinkering dokja
Active member
Nov 10, 2019
just to confirm as someone who knows some of the novel story though I haven't read it completely: there's really no romance in this besides
Hyunsung and Heewon in later chapters
, right? not like that's a problem I just saw some saying they read the entire novel and liked it even without it having any romance subplot and I was surprised since I expected some of that when I started reading the webtoon.
Sep 27, 2020
@rushedcanvas yeah no romance at all
even Hyunsung and Heewon confess their feelings after that, it was never really explored again, but these two clearly have "some part of love in dokja too"
Apr 5, 2020
This shit is very entertaining, and I'm enjoying it a lot as of ch 24. However, I have a few problems with it:

1. The author makes it so fucking clear that this is his power fantasy. Don't get me wrong, I'm okay with those. But does he have to be so obvious? The MC was a loser but thanks to him being an avid WN reader he becomes god in this new world. The characters bring this up at least 3 times, as far as I remember. Jesus Christ, tone it down a little, will you?
2. Why are the MC's comrades seeing him as the good guy even though he's clearly the worst psycho that has appeared so far? He is manipulative and cold blooded. He hasn't killed so far because of plot, but he would in a heartbeat. Because he knows everything ahead of time, he makes very cold blooded decisions. It feels like he believes that he is actually living a novel. Not treating things as if they were actually real.
Jul 7, 2019
@Need2Bookmark idk maybe we can somehow relate it to the saying “you don’t bite the hands that feeds you” for them, kdj is somewhat they’re saviour and he gives them a sense of hope since in their perspective he knows how to save their asses and he’s the one who leads them into solving the scenarios, which is “a good thing” in their eyes. The deeds are overpowering kdj’s inner characteristics and in order to have a positive outlook, maybe they also wanna put their trust and believe kdj is “good” since he keeps them as a companion and protects them too.

No one knows a thing about their new reality and what’s going through kdj’s mind so it’s unlikely for them to notice that he makes cold blooded decisions given that they are in a violent and chaotic world. What they see is what they’re gonna believe
Jul 7, 2019
@YEEeeet02 wdym by no romance at all?
isnt yjh x kdj interaction v v romantic? I mean how can this not be romance. in the 1st revision of the txt, yjh even thought of kdj from time to time (how romantic!!) and and they even re-enacted their first interaction when they kill the 1st outer god and said “Release your hand and get lost, you damn son of a bitch.” AHAHAHAHHAHAA HOW CAN THIS NOT BE ROMANCE >\\< (joke 1/2)
Aug 26, 2019
@Need2Bookmark I understand why KDJ might feel this way to you, especially during these first few events. He does come off as someone who's detached from the rest of the plot and an average OP MC. However, I assure you that won't be the case for much longer. As someone who's finished the novel, it's interesting to see how all these things will tie up together in the future. Unless you want me to delve in some more spoiler territory, all I can say is there's a reason why he's acting like that that's beyond his control, as of these arcs. I assure you that the slow burn is definitely worth it, and the character development and world building that awaits you in the future is simply phenomenal. 551 chapters is a bit of a doozy, but it amazes me just how much the plot had already been fleshed out and tied together just from the start of the first chapter. Hope you continue to enjoy reading!
Apr 5, 2020
@biancatsu Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to reply. I am up to date with all the chapters here already and I have been enjoying it quite a lot. I am excited to see how this manhwa will develop, now that you've told me that it gets even better.
Nov 10, 2020
I am honestly disappointed in myself, a ORV WN finisher, for not realizing this sooner but the reason why Ways of Survival has so many detailed pages about cooking all sorts of monsters is because YJH has Cooking Lvl 10.
Mar 6, 2020
FLAMES-SCANS i love yall. Idk why but you guys make me laugh cause it's like
"Weathervane may be fast, but we're faster"
And I absolutely love it 😂
Thanks for the chapter
Nov 12, 2020
Weathervane great job. I will always wait for your work. Ty for the effort. I like the sfx pls keep it up.

Flame scans too great job.
Jul 7, 2019
Dangg, didnt imanged that ghost fleet is this cool when i was reading it in the novel. Props to the artist who rlly did justice on its art and presentation.
Active member
May 19, 2019
It really did have the potential, it really did...
But looking at the current plot, it's not better than generic shit out there

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