On the Emperor's Lap

May 20, 2020
Can someone recomend me a series similar to this? I like how this isnt an isekai/time travel plot and it seems like most korean webtoons in a historical genre are all that (aka.. everything I've been reading...) I dont mind the sort of tragic story either and I like the badass fl. Shame the ml is an ass tho lol. Someone pls rec something bc I'm caught up with this series on bato ;-;
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Wow, this might just be the Manhwa with the most despicable male lead I've ever seen, and that's saying a lot.

The only way this can have a good ending is if Bella takes down the Emperor, whether that means stabbing him in his sleep, or ruining him and toppling his reign. But the chances of that happening are pretty much zero...
Jun 9, 2018
shittiest male lead ever + very mediocre (if not, bad) art to go along. the story is pretty terrible, lol don’t bother reading. it’s disgusting
Active member
Mar 8, 2019
People who want to read this for whatever reason, let me spoil for you. Oohhh, do I love a good ol' shitty story to rant my empty heart out.

Essentially the female and male protagonists met when they were both a child and during a war-torned town. He took her in, taught her swordsmanship, gave her food, shelter and possibly proper education. This guy was everything to her. She fell in love, confessed, but was rejected. Okay.

From what I could gather, the reason behind the rejection is, well, pretty generic. If he felt and allowed himself to love, he thought his whole plan of taking the kingdom over and becoming the ruler would be ruined, because as many times have showed, dirty and immoral tactics is his best friend.
Okay, fair enough?

Speaking of dirty and immoral tactics, other than rejecting the female lead's confession, he sold her. Yep, that's right. He sold her, a CHILD, let me yell it louder for the back, a MERE CHILD, to some rich lady, knowing very clearly one of her pastimes (she said it herself) was abusing her workers. What did the male lead get in return from this dark, dark transaction? A castle.

In summary, the male lead sold a child to a aristocratic lady to be whipped and abused daily. Treated worse than a slave doing hard labor. Keep in mind, the female lead loves holding the sword and fighting. It gave her, a woman living in a hard era, freedom. So, her pride as a woman and a 'soldier' was also stripped. He gave her everything , took them aaaalll away, and more. How would you even feel?

Years later, they met in the most cruel way possible. Dressed in a tight and big puffy gown, she was immediately summoned to the palace by the male lead (current ruler), because he was trying to find her the whole time. Oh, but he doesn't recognize her at first. After being treated like some prostitute during their first night, it was revealed her body was covered with old scars. (Her identity was not known to him at the time, but is it me or is it very odd how the first thing you would do to someone you've treated so terribly wrong for years is to sleep with her? Keep in mind, it's either the female lead sleeping with the ruler, or being surrounded by soldiers and killed.)
Anywho, to him he might've done a heroic job, but to her it was the most mockery she could've ever received- her wounds, that were received from years of torture because of him, were healed by magic in a blink from the best doctors he forcibly ordered to.
Chapters later, he then finds out her true identity.

So, as the manhwa furthers in, it's mostly him begging for her forgiveness, as what's most important is him wanting to feel right and be a good person, instead of trying to understand that sometimes in life, one's actions can be so atrocious that it doesn't have to be forgiven? That, maybe instead of shoving your face and telling her how important it is for you to be forgiven and feel right, what the best course of action you should've took was give her a place to live, far, far away from the man she once loved and trusted deeply. By Gods, logically from such an experience one would throw up just thinking of him from all the PTSD and trauma.

To make matters worse, he didn't tell a single friend of his what actually happened. All the soldiers and people that currently work for him, only knows his version of the story, and that is some form of tragedy struck and the female lead was killed in a battle. And, now, the reason why these people care for the female lead is because some of the people that works for the male lead are also the same people that were in the mercenary group both female and male lead were in. They have years of friendship and brotherhood with the female lead. They care. Only was he in a drunken state, did he pathetically revealed the truth to one of his comrade. The maid that was working under the aristocratic lady's house, one of the few people that protected the female lead and brought her food? After being pushed to the floor and interrogated by the male lead (years after the female lead escaped, IIRC), she was KILLED. Because she spoke the truth, something the male lead did not like. Instead of kissing her feet and thanking her a million times for having the courage to protect a MERE CHILD from being abused, that's what the maid got.

This story tries to throw in a male lead with a plot twist. I don't think they're deemed to be bad from the getgo, because it can be a challenge for the author to try and write a 'redeeming' arc for him, and if it's written well, it's done well. Not this case.
As the reader, and with stories like these that are specifically written for the female audience, we're supposed to be happy for the female and male lead.

But, hey, at least one thing was written right. The male lead is actually a tyrant by the definition, instead of "He's a tyrannical king, but actually he's just a coldhearted and misunderstood person that has a heart of gold and loves his people but he only evvvverrr smiles to the female lead and has a 12 pack and body shaped like an upside-down triangleee omg simp daddy".
Dec 2, 2020
@Thelastinline If you're looking for a story similar to this one you should definitely read "the abandoned empress" kinda similar plot. Basically an empress who was treated horribly by the emperor who she only ever loved gets to go back in time and prays so that she doesn't end up in the same situations. The ML's are kinda similar but you kinda have to cut this one some slack cause he's a kid but yea I think you'll really like it and I got a lot more recommendations lol :)
May 20, 2020

Funny you mention that I just got caught up with abandoned empress 🤣 To be honest I like the FL here (bella) more than aristia, aristia has been kinda frustrating for me in that series. But the ML in abandoned empress is easier for me to forgive since he technically hasnt done anything to aristia yet. Whereas in this series idk how the author is going to convince the readers kiris deserves bella.

But anyway thanks for suggesting something anyway! I would like to hear what else you've been reading if your still interested in sharing :)
May 20, 2020

Wow I think I talked to you on another series! Hi again lol. I just wanted to say ur summary of this series is so accurate. Its such a shame how irredeemable the ML is here because I think this is my favourite FL from all the webtoons I've read. ;-;
Dec 2, 2020
@Thelastinline I'm glad you asked cause boy do I have a list for you lol. I've read almost everything in the Isekai genre but some that I'd recommend that have a similar "back in time plot" would be: The villainess reverses the hour glass, Shadow queen, Priscilla's marriage request, the duchess with an empty soul, Doctor Elise, The lady's law of survival, a star reborn and The emperor's companion. Some are reincarnation but I hope they'll suit your taste but you've probably read a few before. Feel free to recommend me some while I'm waiting for these to update lol!
May 20, 2020
Oh wow from that list I've only read Priscilla's marriage proposal. But I've had a few of those on the back burner I've been meaning to read. I'm probably going to start reading the villainess reverses the hour glass, I've heard so many people reccomend that so it must be good. If you like other villainess stories you should try a villainess for the tyrant. That one is pretty funny and has a kinda different type of FL? Like shes not "badass" per se in a physical sense but I really liked her character. Shes still smart and cunning.
I'll pm you if you want to hear more xD I feel bad commenting about other series under this title but to be fair I dont think anyone greatly enjoys this one...
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
So let me get this straight. The emperor betrayed and sold Bella into a life of slavery and abuse, and he knew full well because the lady he sold her to said she wanted her as a slave to abuse and beat, and now out of a desire for self satisfaction he wants her to love him and forgive him? This is the ML of this story? What the actual fuck. Was this written by an incel?
Dec 4, 2020
Ikr I want the ML and FL to be happy n' stuff. I was also VERY confused why he killed the maid. Wouldnt that just make her sad? He was so fcking dumb. Even up till now.
If you have seen one of the latest chapters, his actions and words totally translated to "Oh, no. Did you think I gathered so many people to rebel against the empire and take the throne just to make the country better? Honey dear, you're wrong. I did this for Belle. So all the things I said about bringing freedom to the country was a lie. Ok. Now, I'll just betray ya'll and send the knights who are guarding the palace to go and find Belle. So, the Castle is now at its weakest point. So put enemy country can attack any time~!" And what I read there was just utter bullsht.
Dec 4, 2020
1. Beware of the Villainess (Comedy is top-notched. So basically, she reincarnated to a villainess's body and broke up with the trash prince, her fianceè, and the guy that the original owner of the body was obbsessed with. She meets nine a werewolf, jack a trash werefold, jake, her trash brother, Peacock,( yes. His name is peacock melody.) spoiled rich kid,and Ian, the trash prince who are all MLs of the original story. (Except for nine.) FL tries to stop all of them from stalking Yuri, the original FL of the story.
2. Doctor Elise (so she basically was a villainess in her past life, she got executed, lived another life in the modern world, became a doctor, died in a plane and got reincarnated back to her original timeline. She turns into a doctor and corrects all mistakes shes done. )
3. I tamed a tyrant and ran away (this is rlly good. She was used as an actual human sword. (She became a real steel sword) by the emperor. She loathed him and everyone called her the 'cursed sword' she dies and reincarnates 200 yrs back. Before she was turned into a sword. She uses the genius talented prince to rebel against the empire.)
4. I tamed the beast well. (She was abused by her step-father and her mother died. She later on discovered her mother was a mistress of the king. She now lives in the palace and meets a Shinshu leopard that is said to be very rare and hard to tame. They can turn into humans. Her brother and sister mock her of having lowly blood. She tries to survive this cruel world with the help of the Shinshu.)
5. Crimson Karma (FL is badass. Shes a commander/general feared by many soldiers and is very strict. She was sent on a mission and failed. And because of that she was executed for failing a mssion. She wakes up only to find out she was stuck in the Edo period as a knight who survived a big explosion while fighting in the war. The prince and his left and right hand question her but she pretends to have memory loss. The prince and his right and left hand became sus of her and tries to figure out if shes hiding something. Later on, she fights many strong enemies.)
6. Emperor and Female knight. (The story seems very realistic. She is a daughter of a Baron and has 1 sister. Her family thought she was useless and abandoned her at a warzone. She finds an instructor that teaches her how to fight. She fights in the war but people look down on her bc shes a woman. She noticed that the enemy was planning an ambush. She notifies the higher-ups but they just laughed it off and demoted her. The enemy ambushes them and captures her and finds out shes a woman. The emperor found out the reason she got demoted and took an interest to her. He takes her to the palace and let her stay there as a knight. She struggled to fit in cus ppl were mocking her and thought she was a disgrace. But in the end, ppl came to like her. Later on, the emperor discovers that he likes her and tries to confess.)

7. Seduce The Villain's Father. (Romance is sweet. She gets isekaid into a novel and her sis is the FL. They're country is having war. The original story was that the sis would get captured and the emperor and her would fall in love. Although, theyll meet some struggles. So instead, she hid her sis and turned her self in. She confesses to the Emperor and the Emperor doesent know what to do.)
8. Lady beast. (She is a girl from a clan/species. The humans killed her family and destroyed theyre clan/species. She decides to take revenge and allies with the prince. She kills the emperor and the prince became the emperor. They both fell in love, but the emperor betrayed her and she decided to kill him. She becomes empress and dies only to he reincarnated into a diff body. Her sis was sposed to marry the Duke but the Duke actually turned into a big beasty wolf. Every single person of that bloodline turns into a wolf someday. The sis needs to give birth with the wolf Duke but doesent want to. So instead, the FL came in her place and tames the Duke. 1 day, the Duke miraculously turned back to his original form. But his face somehow resembles the 1st emperor. They soon develop a romance.)
Although some of them are reincarnation and other world, I still hope you like them . (Oh god. My wrists hurt from typing.)

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