Ahhh no problem, so atm we are all caught up on the chapters (that are free to the public anyways, you can always go on Naver and buy the few extra chapters that are available yourself but I’m not going to translate chapters that are pay preview), new chapters release every Saturday atm, I try to translate them as quickly as possible but I am a one person army and I’ve been pretty busy lately, I usually get the newest chapters out by Wednesday though (have been trying to get them out sooner but season 2’s chapter have been double the pages so far with an average page count of around 160—compared to the average of 85 pages last season—and my weekends haven’t exactly been free either, hopefully in the nearby future though I will have more time to get the chapters out quicker)
But yeah basically tldr: New chapters will probably be out around Wednesday and we are currently caught up to the storyline