Also also, as a translator, I can't stop thinking about what a bitch that "like" line must have been to translate. See, "suki" means "to like/love" and when you say it all by itself like that to another person, it means "I love you"; no subject or object needed. (Japanese is like that, vague af) So when Aoki says "like" just like that, he really is saying "I love you"; hence Tengoku's shock. However, Aoki immediately regrets saying it and tacks on "ni shiro" forming the phrase "suki ni shiro" or "do as you like". But that sentence structure doesn't work in English, because that line is in the opposite order - "like" comes at the end. "Like" all by itself in its own little bubble like that doesn't communicate what Aoki was initially saying at all, but I also have no idea how it could have been done better, and it's gonna haunt me.