@Nazdrovie @CoolOtamegane Recommended TL revisions:
Pg4: first panel should be "About that... I've got my ways." and while procedures is technically correct, something more like enrollment would would be clearer/sound better in English.
Pg5: "Where are you from?" not came from. Bottom right maybe worded better as: "The dreaded Transfer Student Inqusition" then lastly "And wow, I never knew..." to lead into the next page phrase
Pg7: nebusoku 寝不足 is lack of sleep, not oversleeping.
Pg10: *buru* is the sound for like *gurgle*
Pg11: zaiakukan 罪悪感 isn't about crime, its more like guilty feelings. I'd say a better phrasing would be "Hmm... this still feels wrong..."
Pg13: Think something like "Don't leap into me so suddenly..." sounds better.
Pg14: Same *gurgle* recommendation. Then "...Eh?" as that へっ is more like a "what just happened?" retort.