Onna dakara, to Party wo Tsuihou Sareta no de Densetsu no Majo to Saikyou Tag wo Kumimashita

Jul 26, 2020
Author pushes the feminist view way too hard that it steers straight to the opposite. Not a single man so far is likeable or even decent. Every man is a chauvinistic pig, treats women like cattle. Every woman is a harassment victim, being wronged by men, even the girl on the pathetic male childhood friend immediately gets redeemed because of course she does because she's a woman, can't have a woman be bad. This is always my trigger for feminist work - characters are defined solely on gender, if a character is a woman you bet she's gonna be good or sympathetic, if a character is a man you know he's gonna be an assholde/evil somewhere down the line. This combines with the yuri pairing (nothing wrong with that of course, if you're gay you do you) just gives me a strong impression author just hates men, which is not how actual well-meaning feminists are.

I get that author is a woman trying to empower women, especially because Japan has a massive sexism problem, but when you portray your world in pure black and white - men bad, women good, you're not really fighting sexism are you? You are being the exact problem you're trying to fight. If you want to push actual equality, there need to be equality in how both genders or portrayed.

That said, I've got a few more chapters to churn through, let's see if there's gonna be a gasp normal man.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 11, 2021
Yeah, I think the author is laying the "because you're a woman" reason on a bit thick and unnecessarily.
For example, "You don't deserves to be treated like that, because you're a woman" is a annoying statement.
You're human. No one deserves to be treated like that. Why are we unnecessarily specifying women here?
This isn't even one of those "Black lives matter. No! All lives matter." Kind of situation, because the characters aren't even being targeted specifically for being a woman, they were just a person who got caught up in something and they just happened to be a woman. Saying "They're just a person who is being abused and they shouldn't be abused because they're a woman" is a bit weird.

Maybe its just the translator being weird, who knows. Nonetheless, goodish manga if you're fine with some clichés and weird stereotypes being thrown around for some reason. Kinda original concept.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2023
They made the males so stupidly out of the world, while the mc has some common sense and considered genius, its a shit manga
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2020
this manga world is so stupid, ALL MEN needs to be an asshole
i like the premise of this manga, my only problem is that OH MEN BAD MEN BAD MEN BAD being shoved down my throat reading through this, i just cant, so tiring to endure reading this
i will continue though, since I did say i like the premise but i swear man
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2020
Wish that some people would just say that they're incels and just move on. We get it. No need to try and pretend to be like Spock and "sound logical". Because it just sounds like pure bitterness.
Feb 3, 2018
Lots of very very angry guys in this thread, thanks for the translation :lul:

I agree.

Some of them are still throwing stickers at my posts like it's going to earn them feminist points or something. lol

Those feminists will always hate you, just so you guys here know.

And for the females here playing the same game--those feminists hate you even more; any antipathy any male could have toward you is insignificant compared to the sheer intensity of that created by feminine rivalry.
Apr 29, 2019
This manga is awful. It starts out cute and somewhat funny but then you see the men are portrayed as sexist trash that only exist to be humbled/overcome. Someone posted ages ago saying this was just the female version of the typical male power fantasy manga where women only exist to join a man's harem. Wrong. Massively wrong. A million harem manga have a wimpy male MC that is super nice to women. So many aren't attacking women to build up men. Tons of series for men have strong competent awesome female characters. Just look at something like One Hit Kill Oneesan or whatever it's called. That kind of stuff is commonplace just to different degrees. This manga is basically saying women should discard men because they're garbage which is just as bad as sexism towards women and everyone loses. Saying X group of people is so bad you should go gay so you don't have to deal with them is messed up. What if the MC was straight? Should she fake being gay or something because men are so awful? This stuff is crazy.
Apr 12, 2024
Finally, the lesbian power fantasy I was looking for. Sometimes you just want to read some people being cartoonishly evil getting stomped on because reality is messy and complicated and rarely has such easy answers. The idea behind this manga is this ONE GUY designed an entire society around validating his ego by oppressing women. It is INSANE and I love it because it means they can ACTUALLY punch the patriarchy in the face. He is the patriarchy. Destroy him.

There's just something about the last chapter (29.3) and the title drop of "Onna dakara". the women supporting women message. It's silly and unrealistic but that's okay. I didn't come here expecting a nuanced commentary on current day gender politics!! I came for the lesbian power fantasy and I'll stay for it!!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 31, 2018
Wish that some people would just say that they're incels and just move on. We get it. No need to try and pretend to be like Spock and "sound logical". Because it just sounds like pure bitterness.
They see this and feel like it's an attack against them, either due to being overly invested in the culture war and/or being insecure. I'm a guy and I don't have either of these problems.
Apr 12, 2024
Absurd incel pile on this comment section aside, does the translation get any better? I read like 6 chapters from squiggles+sleepy but there's so many sentences that don't grammar right and it completely kills my interest.
Apr 22, 2024
The way it portrays its message is very clumsy but I can get down with it, it’s very nice to see an Isekai with the girl’s love tag not just gay baiting
Apr 29, 2019
When you call people incels you're just telling us you will blindly devour propaganda/wish fulfillment no matter what. Ask what incel even means. Why are you saying everyone who dislikes what you like can't get a girlfriend/get laid? That's pretty ridiculous and childish behavior, especially when a lot of people would call you an incel just for liking manga regardless of gender.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2024
First of all, I guess I'm gonna start from saying, I am the same type of "incel" that misandrists complain about on twitter. I've read a lot of "Yuri" works because I love the genre, as well as some "yaoi" works, but mostly as a form of "challenge" from my gf, and vica versa.

Back to the point though. This is really great example of "Yuri" fantasy manga done right.
  1. Great art style - Look, I'm not gonna go pretend like it's Berserk of manga, but it's clearly very good, or maybe right word would be "easy to read". It's right in the middle of "Not too detailed to be exhausting to view", and "Detailed enough for beautiful character designs".
  2. Plot - Is pretty damn interesting, again, I'm not gonna pretend like there is super deep story with overarching arcs with loss/death/love/friendship/betrayal etc., but it's just good enough for it to keep you second guessing a stuff. Especially the natural mood change as well as expression change of characters in certain situations.
  3. Literally no fan-service, other than comedic type, that is relevant to the plot.
Sorta Negatives:
  1. Love plot - Love plot of characters can look pretty shallow, especially if you expect the manga to be 10 book love romance.
    Don't forget that manga's main purpose is for you to have fun reading it, it doesn't have to be "realistic".
  2. Plot in general - It's not something super unique, it does have a bunch of cliches, but in my book, as long as it's not overused to death, it has right to exist, and it's rather well done in manga. The plot however has a lot of mini-twists which can be funny, and somewhat "damn wth?" like.
  1. Story Pacing - God damn, the pacing in some spots is bit off. One moment we having fun shopping, another moment something incredibly important to the plot happens, but you find out about it only later in the story, as to keep you second guessing what the hell is going on.


From what you could have gathered from the title, MC got frustrated that she was kicked out of party because she was a woman. In this particular fantasy world, it's commonly accepted that woman became healers due to common belief that they are weak and need to be guarded all the time.

So from reading these comments we can gather 2 things.
  1. People who complain about the manga haven't read further than middle of volume 3, where it's explained exactly why the world is the way it is. Sexism, has literal reason to be in this manga. It's a HUGE plot element, basically the whole reason why everything that happened, actually happened in the story.
  2. Look, I don't know how to tell you, I am not a psychologist, but you need to get off the twitter, or wherever you are reading those hateful comments towards you. I assume the reason you are getting mad from reading this story is because you are constantly getting targeted and being called "sexist".
    YOU, shouldn't feel like being attacked when you are reading this story, unless you are unironically a sexist, and think the same way the society in manga thinks.
What's this manga does is poke fun at stupid monolithic views of people, and societies that think that women shouldn't do anything other than be a baby birthing machines. Woman in fact do have dreams that they want to pursue, things they want to achieve, but you know that damned well, I don't know why I even have to write that.

Author of this manga DOESN'T HATE YOU, she doesn't view men as idiots (actually maybe she does, how would I know?), and you really shouldn't feel offended just because she calls out and challenges views of stone age idiots. All she wants is to write a fun story for her fans to read, especially her female fans. And just because it touches reality just a bit too much for your taste, doesn't mean that manga is bad or whatever.

At the end of the day, I think the manga is pretty great, it has interesting plot and really wholesome characters. If you feel like it attacks you as a person, well, maybe it's time to rethink the way you view the world?

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