Yeah, those names are worse. Look much more like transliterations than translations.
The dialogue between the princess and the maid just feels like something tacked on there to show she's a good person.
I would flip her love and affection around.
Listening in to girls talking is a bit on the rude side.
If she passed away a few years after childbirth, I don't think she was too weak to give birth. Giving birth is such a strain on the body that if you survive the complications for that long, that's no longer the reason you die. I mean, I could be wrong, but it just feels so romanticised.
That almost looks like a yandere face...
Did Uncle King connect some dots?
Almost looked like it.
For example, Shirley's last name is the syllables hi-n-su, so Hince is actually a more faithful reading than Heinz, even if it sounds less like a name. Similarly, they interpreted ka-ro-n as Carol, though I've opted to stick with Carol because in english it's a much more natural nickname for Carolina than Caron.
Could also just go for Caro. But that might just be me.
Regarding being more faithful to the reading, I think that's a bit of a trap. In that case Kuraudo and Earisu would be "more correct". You have to go more for the intention than the literal reading.
That said, Kaid vs. Caid is entirely in the spelling, and frankly, I like the letter K better than C in most cases. Caid just looks so weird.
On the other hand, I prefer Cain over Kain, though both works.
Granted, a lot of names in this are weird. Artem, Marsh, Caid... they aren't really names I'm used to.)
That's par for the course in manga with non-Japanese names. Some try for European style, while others go straight for fantasy.