
Jun 2, 2018
Really great premise, but stumbles somewhat on the execution.

Would like to see more slice of life and interaction between family members.

All the drama and misunderstandings don't serve the plot.
Jan 22, 2018
@PrunJuice I feel like the drama actually isn't pointless in this story, it fleshes out the characters and makes them less two dimensional for me. Like they're not just stereotypical characters thrown into a cheap "family simulation" story concept because they can actually have things that happen to them and prove that they exist and think beyond that setting.

I think it's interesting even if those "things" are surreal. The narration feels quite thorough to me (for a weird story about an exclusively female cast). Also I think the slice of life stuff will be back after this arc, but maybe that's just me.
Jun 2, 2018
@WineWeed I'm highly doubtful about the slice of life stuff coming back to be honest. The author has shown their intention for the plot through their actions. There was very little SoL to begin with and now it's going to be totally sidelined for a series of increasingly ridiculous "battles" with the student council prez.

I only mind these drama filled fights because the are eating all the pages that could be used to flesh out the families relationships. As it stands now, the mother and father have barely even had the panels to say hello to each other and I'm expect me to believe they have some kind of special bond? It feels very forced.

Anyway I hope I'm wrong, and still eagerly await the next chapter.
Aug 6, 2018
@PrunJuice I feel this manga was suddenly rushed or axed, before the end of volume one, its set to give place to many more competitions and family-like situations, as it seems to be developing at a slow pace, after chapter 10 of second volume, eveything feels rushed, all secrets and plot drama are resolved in a couple of chapters. Another thing is that in one of the latest chapters a character (I think Haruhi), says that they've been together for 6 months, which doesnt feel realistic at all, that kinda clues me into believing that the author wanted to go for a longer series but just coulnd't.

A shame becuase I really like this manga.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2018
That was a very good series. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Definitely an underrated gem. It's sad how it ended so soon, but at least it was a relatively satisfying ending.
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018
wish there is a proper ending... but yeah.. im good with this one too.. ?
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
Re reading this for the 100th time.....aaahhhh....how I wish for this to have a lot of more chapters.I personally think the author can still put a lot of more ideas in this story.I love the concept and the characters are all sweet and adorable.>\\\<❤...and the father and mother.I need more of their fluff moments T-T....damn it ended so sooon it feels so rushed...couldn't get over with this.I super enjoyed while it last.❤❤❤

I need to thank the scanlation group for doing this project!!!.thank you soooo much for all the efforts!❤
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
I still can't believe this is the same author of kuroha and nijesuke manga which I follow as well... That one is so epic af!!!a certified hidden gem!❤...

But this story is gonna be my first love and has a special place in my heart because all haiiilll yuuuriiii!!!!!!
Jun 13, 2020
No complaints. This is a very underrated manga. The premise was funny, the characters are very diverse, the conflict was perfect, and the ending left a pretty good impression, no, actually, more than good. I have not read such an impactful manga before! ❤
Sep 11, 2020
This feel rushed because it getting axed. The author already have all the idea and conflict(like the reason the mc twin cannot go tk school if i'm not wrong) but it getting axed. For a story that getting axed, this is very good.(i like the ending, but i still wish that this have a little extra)
Oct 20, 2020
I don't know what I just read or why I'm crying tears of joy but I liked this manga, I was very confused and happy at all times
10/10 Excellent service
Dec 8, 2020
It's rushed, they skipped the fight between the MC and the president, they just ended the family coming together again, i wish for sequel please!

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