Ore ga Watashi ni Naru made - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

Active member
Dec 4, 2018
@urugiru hmmm has the author ever said when the series would end or at how far he plans on making them?

As for the pace tbh... i check the author's twitter daily and i've seen more chapters/parts of the chapters than translated chapters here (I also check mangadex daily too). he does like 1-2 chapters per month maybe 1 since 2-3 would combine into a 10ish page chapter, but that would mean you guys would need to release more than once a month to probably even try to catch up. Also i think it doesn't help that chapters feel very short if released on a monthly basis given how few the pages are, the ones on twitter on the author, works cause it feels like the story is actually progressing even though technically he uploads 3-4 pages once every 2 weeks or something.

OFC he's doing it as his livelihood and you guys, i believe are doing it for the community so obviously you guys would take your time which is absolutely fair but i wouldn't really fault anyone for trying to want more given that its so hard to remember the series after 1-2 months without update and only having few pages each of them.

As for you plans in the future, really all i can say is that clearly there are people who wants to wait for the better scans, its entirely up to you guys whether you want to or not. Personally, as much as i appreciate the hard work both teams put into the project, something will always be better than nothing. What's the point of a better quality translation if theyre never gonna get released, not saying you guys weren't gonna but anyone who waited for months and haven't seen update will probably think it was abandoned, as you can see from some comments.
Oct 2, 2018
Well, I guess you'll just have to let me know if you decide you'll continue. If so, I'll just wait.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
@urugiru Well you posted 2 chapters in 9 months so its more than fair for somebody else to take your place imo
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@Kampfarsch it's common scanlator etiquette to wait 6 months since last update, or ask previous scanlator before "taking their place".

And it takes time to do a quality work. Unlike speed scans, which have lots of translation mistakes, subpar editing. And overall low quality.

Maybe try to put as much love to something like urugiru has been doing with Orewata before speaking.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
God the other group is so annoying. Get over it, you don't have a copyright on this series. Continue doing your 2 chapters a year if you want. I hated how you bullied him off the first time.
Remind me to never read anything of theirs again, bunch of crybabies if you ask me.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@Kampfarsch you're clearly blind then.

Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
@ kurisu
Funny, I never agreed to those terms when I became a scanslator. Where in MD rules does it say that? Perhaps that's just your personal opinion/suggestion and not a cold hard fact?
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@gomichandesu at least have the courage to tag me correctly. I never said those were terms. It's manners. It's being civil.

And clearly you're not. You don't even speak Japanese according to your profile, and your group is trash according to yourself.
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
Like you've never had a typo.
That's just your opinion. There are no formally agreed upon rules, except the ones you agreed to when you made an account on MD. I don't consider that proper "manners" or "civility".
I consider that gatekeeping.

My group name, and my username are jokes. Jokes actually that rose from the "holier than thou" aspects of the scanslating community that will actively bully a user off the site for daring to put out their own take. (Also lmfao, have you really never seen that vine?) See my green username hun? I'm a scanslator. Like it or not, because guess what? Anyone can scanslate if they want to. Get over it.
Don't pretend you were being civil from the get go.

Demands to be @'d, doesnt even have the courage to respond lol
Aug 25, 2018
Could one of the people who make the judgement that this is 'trash' or bad give an example of something tangible lost in translation, something present in the original text that isn't inferable in Smiley's? I feel that I understand what's going on with the psychology of the story well enough to enjoy and understand everything going on, but maybe I'm not understanding some special nuances due to the translation. Does the writing of the original really not carry through?

e-ah, nvm, I just saw and read the polished version. it is quite a bit more fluid and vivid, whether because the translator was a better english writer or understood and conveyed more nuance. I'll happily read both versions.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 3, 2020
Ok after reading Smiley's and Stay at home's I'm really confused since both came out with really different meanings on some parts. I don't even know which is supposed to be the correct one
Apr 15, 2020
As Smiley has mentioned previous times, always take the Stay at Home Scans as the accurate version.
Specially in the very first chapters because this one chapter(chapter 11) was a japanese->chinese->spanish->english translation according to him
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2020
@Tonikill1 correct, Smiley has explained that all of the current chapters from the batch were old ones he had posted on his FB page, that someone else then downloaded and posted here, and that most of these chapters are from when Smiley had 0 Scanlation experience (almost a direct quote on the 0 experience part, I don't remember exactly how they wrote it.)

So essentially, if you want the most accurate translation, and Stay at Home group continues their work, then you should keep waiting for them to release theirs instead.

Though, personally, I honestly think they are stretching themselves thin by not just focusing on one version of the Manga until finished, and then shifting their focus on the other version of the Manga. If they'd been smart, they would release - as they put it themselves - doubly as quick on one of the versions, that way more people would be interested in waiting for their version than there are now.

Sure, I understand that there is apparently a difference between the two versions, but I don't think the differences are that great that people can be bothered reading the same chapter twice, so they grow tired of the long wait time between the releases.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 3, 2020
@Astra_Starwalker Honestly I might just stick to Smiley's but if Stay at home ever release their scans I'll give it a read because the quality is better
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2020
@Tonikill1 Stay at Home group seems to be doing an average of 1 chapter release per month for this version of the manga.
The other version, Pre-serialization one, is more all over the place with lots of months between each release, apparently.
After reading a few comments from one of the people behind Stay at Home group, it seems that the recent batch of chapters translated by Smiley may be a bit all over the place, not only in translation quality, but also chronologically, or in terms of pages per chapter, or something, I'm not sure.
Anyway, I've got plenty of other manga to read, so I'll stick and wait for Stay at Home, assuming they will keep translating, that is.

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