Ore ga Watashi ni Naru made - Vol. 1 Ch. 11

Jan 19, 2018
Damn, I didn’t know about any of this. The worst part is that if I was in the uploader’s shoes, I may have uploaded it here too, just because I honestly consider MD to be part archive. Never really thought about how it may impact competing scanslators. Your version definitely seems a bit more polished - while Smiley’s is good for speed scanning, yours is a smidge better quality-wise.

Have you considered working on the serialized version? It’s different enough from the web version to garner attention, and I don’t know if anyone is doing it right now. Never mind, I realized this is the serialization. There are always other projects that you could dip your toes into if needed.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2020
Thanks for the translation! I do feel for you, this upload situation is kinda a mess for the scanlators (although I still read them all). I think I’ll definitely keep reading your translations for the accuracy as well.

Also damn Akira is really going through some stuff. It’s hard enough being a middle schooler normally but with all the changes she’s been going through the burden can be a lot. I’m glad she has Rumi for support. I think its funny that Akira trying to fit in by choosing the guy with the “best face” turns into her being some looks queen who needs a handsome beauty.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 18, 2018
hey, really glad to see you guys didn't quit! I really enjoy your translations more, and I don't really care if it'll take longer if I get the higher quality. I kind of panicked when I saw the mass release (since I too, thought it was smiley himself uploading until I checked the uploader, and I didn't know smiley kept up his translations on fb) because I thought you guys would get discouraged (or at worst, even pissed and offended about it, as it's happened before more times than I care to count on MD, ending up with needless drama) and drop this manga. Ended up blocking SmileyGuy's group for now, so the mass release isn't polluting my follows feed.
Anyways, hope you guys keep up the great work you have been doing on this series, and looking forward to anything new you might put out
this is the serialization, the group is doing both versions at the same time
Jan 20, 2018
lock group uploads?

I'll stick with your translation I enjoy it quite a lot and it feels more enjoyable than smileyguy's.
I hope you can continue, it's a series I greatly enjoy reading. I was somewhat put off by the bulk upload and dismissed it as probably just a rush job but your explanation makes sense, I'm looking forward to chapter 12
Mar 25, 2018
The 2 translations are aimed at different public:

[ul][*]One releases 1 chapter per month but at high quality for people that don't mind waiting months to read a chapter.
[*]The other releases chapters WAY faster but they are quick translations, for people that value read the next chapter with acceptable translations instead of slower but more accurate ones.[/ul]

I don't see a problem with both versions continuing.
Power Uploader
Mar 11, 2019
I still don't get the whole "this will hurt my views count" mindset. If you feel like the current available version isn't up to your standards then release a version that is. Views are irrelevant, comments are sometimes relevant when they point out things that can be improved, but that's about it. This is just my own point of view, though, so feel free to do what you feel is right. There's no need to agonice over what should just be a hobby.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I'll always read your versions, the difference between translations sometimes surprises me. Also, I love reading group comments like the first page.
Group Leader
Apr 4, 2020

Perhaps a philosophical question will help clarify things:

If a scanlator breaks their back working on a chapter that no one is going to read, did they waste their time?

That's what is at the root of our conundrum, since you're saying views are irrelevant as are comments generally. No, we are giving up a slice of our lives, and all we ask in return is that there's people on the other end who enjoy it. Otherwise we can do something else that more people will enjoy.
Jul 16, 2019
Why do you treat it like you "own" this manga? You don't even have the right to get mad if someone decides to translate it lol. How entitled. If you're being wishy washy about whether you should translate based on support, view counts, and comments,, then give it up. Translating is supposed to be a passion project, and this attitude where you can "claim" a manga NOT drawn or written by you and then get angry at people for ACTUALLY doing it as a passion project is actually despicable.

I will read Smileyguys because he pumps out chapters faster, then re-read if you decide to translate for the better quality. Who are you to control what we read? Where we read it? Do you own Mangadex? Are you paying for the server costs for this site? If not, why are you dictating what can or cannot be here? That's basically no better than big name publishers that sue websites out of existence.

I think the translating scene would be better off without you. I think Smileyguy should also upload his translations here as well. He deserves to be here same as you. Or maybe MORE than you. How dare you push him off Mangadex to publish on an alternative site, so that his chance of garnering support and attention is stymied. It doesn't matter if he agreed to it--it only tells me he is an affable fellow that is flexible and agreeable, and speaks worse about how you drove him off a big site.
Feb 9, 2018
@Urugiru I hope you and your group continue working on this series, but I think this is a series that requires a more thorough translation. Not to nag on smileyguy though, I appreciate him as well. Having tried machine translating I know how hard that is.
Group Leader
Apr 4, 2020
@horasu Uh, right. So in your eyes, scanlators working on their passion projects may as well never upload their works online, because audience doesn't matter? What are these poorly thought out arguments?

If you read our statement at all, you would know Smiley is and has always been on our side, no one ever has prevented you from accessing his version, that we are now saying his version is here to stay. The only thing that changed is that his works are now on one more site on the Internet: this one. The chapters are up and are staying up, read whichever version you want (or both), happily ever after. Why all the outrage? And think on who's behalf are you outraged? And does your outrage only apply retroactively?

You're all over the place.
Feb 2, 2018
Thanks for the translations and your work.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I guess this was 2020's last Hurrah.

I like everyone's attitude and how you're taking it in stride.
The story was good enough for me to read both the pre- and serialized versions.
So reading your version is something I can see myself doing.


Mar 7, 2019
@horasu Now man, you're straight up being the ass here. They're doing this for free, who are you to ask that both of the translator upload here on mangadex? Why do they even need to cater your needs? They BOTH reached an agreement between themselves without any hostility to each other.
Jul 16, 2019
I think I am pretty consistent with my views: Let people translate whatever they want, and upload wherever they want. The fact that his translations are now here is NOT because you decided to be a good person, but because of an accident where a third party uploaded under his name. A happy accident I might add, because for the casual viewer like myself, I would have never known about this ridiculous societal situation you thrust on everybody. You may be as diplomatic as you want now that the issue has settled, but no matter how you spin it, you pushed out a fellow translator out of Mangadex and onto Facebook because you thought you deserved to be the only name here.

But if you want me to be more concise, then here it is:
1) Do you honestly think you can take this manga, made by someone and uploaded on twitter, declare "this is mine to translate," and then create confrontations with people who also decide they want to translate it? Even if it "worked out for the both of you," the fact that the confrontation exists at all and that both translations don't happily exist wherever they want is astounding to me.
2) Do you honestly think you can control what goes on this site? Do you think when people search "Ore ga Watashi ni Naru made," that your name deserves to be the only one that shows up on Mangadex? Outside of uploading your work on this site, do you feel entitled to control what OTHER people upload on this site? And what readers like myself see when we search up this title on Mangadex?

I'll read your response to these two questions, but I've already said my piece. You took it upon yourself to invite discussion on whether you should continue or not in the comments section, and that is exactly what I did. Dropping it seems like it would be healthier for you, and more hassle-free for me. I support you quitting this title, and all titles if you bring the same amount of entitlement to your other projects.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2018
+1 Patch. I'll read both translations because I forget what I've read, usually. Also maybe mention in the credits or comments if there will be delays or other problems?? Thanks for the translations!!! 📚📚📚
Group Leader
Apr 4, 2020
@Ced1106 Yes we do try to inform people when delays and stuff might happen. Also a more immediate way of knowing, if you love the series enough, is to join our discord, the link of which is on our credit page each chapter. We're there all the time, so you can just ask and you'll get a response pretty quickly about where we're at.

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