@baconcat I don't know how many more times do I have to dive head first into tools to finally learn that I should read their help/man pages/documentation before starting. I still have a long way to git gud.
@GameFreak thanks! Though I feel like it needs some clean up, like archiving projects that I won't be touching for some time, deleting repos that I forked instead of star-ing back when I was a Github noob...
Fucking lame ass in the bed fully clothed with a beautiful naked woman and ignoring all her signals. I get that she's a wild card and dangerous, but by this time he should have a good feel for this girl's moods.
Hmmm honestly it's good for MC he's not in a dating sim because dude can't take a hint at all. And uh is the black ball glitched or something? He keeps going on about how he can't use stuff in there (we already know) but he's only mentioned turning off not working in a sentence
Lmfao oooh yeahhh he totally wouldn’t do such a thing— except if they’re passed out. Let’s not forget he was totally going to rape the first woman he met in this situation but he got caught.