Ore to Hero to Mahou Shoujo - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - A Hero's Qualities

Feb 21, 2018
This is really high quality, it sucks that you got sniped by ZTS so close to your release... I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the effort that was put into this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
I kinda like it that little girl called him one san instead of miss..

Either way is not really big problem.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Clearly redrawing SFX was slowing this down for 9 months ?
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
@Yuudari After 9 months of silence it can't be considered a snipe, this manga was dropped before their eyes, so they just wanted to revive it. Of course, I prefer SBC's, but ZTS's was fair game.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Thanks for your kind words, although I wouldn't say we got sniped, not from what @kurisu said but for another reason as I will explain a bit later in this same comment.

If we only worked on OHMS even with SFXs we would have probably released in just a few months as much. SFXs are one thing that we can control as scanlators. We cannot control many other things life throws us at the face. And this year hasn't been specially good for any of us. Even more for me, who is the only one who edits everything in this series. If we didn't redraw SFXs, chapter 2 could have been released in around 5 months. I never meant to say it was the only thing, but it is one thing we can control.

Redrawing takes a lot of time from me, I spend many hours dealing with each SFX. I'm sorry if it takes long. This is not our job and we're doing it for us and other fans with our free time. If there's another group who wants to scanlate it as well for even faster releases, they clearly can. OHMS is not our property, we're just fans. But we still want to do this nevertheless.

I noticed ZTS's release almost by pure luck, I was uploading another chapter and I saw I was pinged in a comment. When I took a look I saw new comments and the new chapter. If they had released 4 months ago, I wouldn't have noticed at all until now.

With ZTS's release I realized we had taken too much time for this chapter and you were all growing impatient, so I talked with Kelpy and we agreed redrawing the SFXs were taking too much time. Therefore the announcement and release without having the chapter fully finished. We made some adjustments and decided to release what we had.

We're sorry for the delay. As mentioned, we will refrain from redrawing to a minimum as it might take us too much time without realizing. I'm not exactly good managing my time.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018

First of all,
Great quality, Solid translation when in comparison. Thank you about the hardwork. (and as someone who have been lurking in zts discord , i do prefer SBC quality).

Second of it i tried to ask ZTS team, about the double chapters. but there havent been a word from the admin and the translator.

9 Months take abit too much time, even for a month (currently raw at 40) means for 36 chapter alone will take 3 year to complete, 2-3 month means double or triple the amount of that progress for each chapter.
As for me personally prefer balancing between quality and speed of the release so people could follow up the series without forgetting or dropping it.
Someone did asked me should they redraw stuff the answer is no, its not recommended especially if it took too long. Redraw what necessary like some redrawers would do especially if you had minimum of amount resources to keep up with the scanlations.

That said i would love to see more from the series, i mean the fact that people give it the high score means people loved it and wanted more when it picked up again.
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018
yoo sorry if it seemed like a snipe, thought this was dropped since it was months ago. if youd like to take it and continue it, all yours sthelen!
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Thank you. Yes, it took too much time and with how I handle some things, I really didn't notice until it was too late. We were just taking our time, slowly, which was a mistake. It's probably a good idea to balance quality and speed, I was being specially stubborn that it had to be the best quality I could get and you can clearly see the results of my stubborness. We also really expect more what this series has to offer!

Not at all, it's very reasonable that due to our lack of updates from the same series for 9 months you would get the feeling it was abandoned. It just made me realize what we had been doing. We will continue scanlating as we really enjoy doing it, but as I said, if you also want to scanlate and continue with faster releases, you can. I don't think any member of the SBC team will mind, it'll probably remind me how much time we're taking for each chapter. So thanks for slapping me with reality, I think I needed that.
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018
oo, its totally up to you sthelen. you're the original release group so it'd make sense for you to choose. ? im good with whatever you decide.
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018
personally i think youd guys do a better job on this so definitely would like to see you take it! and it'd be a huge waste of effort for 2 groups to do the same series so yeah. all yours seth if you want ?
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Okay, we will try to meet up everyone's expectations without taking forever. Although we have SBC queued so it'll take us a bit to get started on Chapter 3. But I'll say now, so that I can have it highlighted on my calendar, with no issues, 2 months.
Power Uploader
May 2, 2018
sweet sounds gooood. thanks again for picking it up! if its every too much on your shoulders or time schedule in the future, let me know, ill be more than happy to continue it ? good luck!
Oct 8, 2018

Right, because 8 months is "sniping". Even in the light novel community, the courtesy is only three months before other people are allowed to pick it up.
Feb 21, 2018
@dabluesky @kurisu @Sthelen

I would have called it being sniped even if it was a 3 year wait, it's the fact that it was being worked on by this group when the other was released, not that it's "close to the first chapter's release" or something. I would define being sniped as something being taken with no notice. In the original definition: your life. In this case, the scanlation you were working on.

If a group is still active why not ask them if they're working on it before starting your own? Even if a very long time has passed. That seems like common courtesy to me. If that had happened, there wouldn't have been a double release. SBC would have seen that they were taking too long (that other scanlators wanted to pick it up). Heck, potentially, if both groups wanted it, there could have been a SBC | ZTS release. If that didn't happen but ZTS still wanted to work on it, they could have started on ch3 since SBC was close to their release.

Just to note, I can understand why it happened this way, I just think it could have been prevented very easily. All it would have taken is a bit of communication. Without it, for the reasons above, I still would consider it sniping, regardless of the time that has passed.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
In scanlation scene, both a group and a project is dead/inactive after not having release anything at all after 6 months.
There's no need of courtesy when it comes to abandoned projects.

So no, this can't be considered sniping. Not at least in the view of most scanlators.
Oct 8, 2018

No one has ownership of this series except for the author and their company and to act as if this project was SBC's is incredibly disingenuous of you. Translators don't owe us non-Japanese speaking people a thing, which is why it isn't surprising at all that someone would ask another group to pick up a project that had been abandoned for 9 months.
Feb 21, 2018

No one has ownership of this series except for the author and their company
Correct. Never said it wasn't.

act as if this project was SBC's
Scanlation is a project, unless you'd like to pretend that all the time spent painstakingly translating, redrawing, cleaning, proofreading, etc is something that the original author did.

The scanlation != the original. I'm not sure why I have to point out this difference. I was never trying to say that SBC had sole ownership of this manga or something. That'd be really stupid. I wasn't even saying SBC had the sole right to the scanlation since they started first. I was exclusively saying that this double release could have been prevented with communication.

incredibly disingenuous of you

Definition of "disingenuous": "not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does."

I'm not sure you used the right word here, I don't see its applicability in this situation. Everything I said was my opinion. Unless you're trying to say I'm pretending to be an idiot or something.

Translators don't owe us non-Japanese speaking people a thing, which is why it isn't surprising at all that someone would ask another group to pick up a project that had been abandoned for 9 months

If there were people that requested that ZTS scanlate this, I'm definitely not saying that it's their fault that this happened. If anything, it's ZTS's, but I wouldn't hold it against them either, because, as stated by Kurisu and you above, it could have been considered abandoned from how long it had been since the last update. Again: the only thing I was saying was that this double-release situation could have been prevented by asking SBC. I wasn't saying that this was a catastrophe, or that ZTS were jerks for not asking, or something. Just that it's unfortunate, preventable, and that I would consider it common courtesy to ask the existing scanlator before scanlating my own version.
Double-page supporter
Dec 29, 2018
I came in here looking for comments on the wholesomeness of this chapter, but instead I was hit in the face with scanlation drama lol

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