Ore wo Suki Nano wa Omae Dake ka yo

Mar 6, 2019
Joro is a nice guy, his mother says as much and Pansy actually loves him because she knows underneath all the rude comments he gives her is a nice guy. The problem is that he has an incel mindset. He feels entitled to a girlfriend because he is a nice guy and when the two girls he has his sights on reject him, he is too nice to actually be mean to them. Outside of whatever blackmail Pansy has on him, he only visits her because he feels he will be rewarded another glimpse of her true appearance. Luckily for him, Pansy actually likes that honesty even if it shows his interests in her are as shallow as his interests in the other girls. Joro is basically Elliott Roger with a functioning social life. Because I think this story is going in the direction of Joro getting over this weird sense of entitlement I call it the "Incel Redemption Story."
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 24, 2019
I will write a review, and hopefully, this will help everyone understand this manga and the anime if you watch it. The manga and anime are about average, nothing new here. It started strong, especially with the man character interactions with the other characters in the first few chapters. Certain people hate Joro because of his "incel mindset," but that was literately the point of his role, and that is what makes him funny and enjoyable to read. So anyone hating Joro because "he thinks he deserves a girlfriend or a harem," missed the point of this manga and anime.

My problem is how the story is presented. He is first presented as a nice guy on the outside with a scheming mindset. Gotcha, he is a nice guy. This makes his character null and void, making him no different from any other role in the series. He was supposed to be unlikeable, and in the unlikeableness, that would make him a funny actor (or this is a least what I thought from the first few chapters). His getting rid of his "incel mindset" really took a blow from the story. This is because it showed that he was just a random pushover character, no different from any other harem MC.

Another problem is a pussy. He let his friends run entirely over him, and he accepts it. In most manga where this happens, this isn't a problem. I'm this, it is a problem because it doesn't has any impact on the story. What I mean is that in the manga where it is used effectively, the MC has to grow to overcome people running over him, and that is the journey that they must take. This isn't that type of manga. Because Joro is susposed to be a villan in sort, him having that quality takes away from his characrter. After Chapter 13 the manga takes a dive in the deep end and I feel off with it after that, but i read it from time to time.
Over all 5/10 Adverage
Aug 2, 2019
It's pretty good and it actually makes me laugh here and there. Joro is just a nice dude trying to act like some sort of evil mastermind in his bid to look cool but deep down is actually a genuinely nice guy. Biggest complaint had to be the translations and how quickly they made up although I do remember people making up real quick over worser shit when I was in school.

Overall 7/10, worth a read if you've got nothing else but I wouldn't recommend it if you're a manga connoisseur who's gonna take it seriously.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2019
>be newspaper girl
>be in newspaper club in high school
>prints slanderous expose on a student
>gets printed out
>no club adviser to prevent this from happening
>"it was all a ploy to make MC like me~"

This series forces your blood vessels to pop
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2018
Anime is almost caught up with the Manga because the Manga is slow at being released, and the Anime is being adapted from the novel .
Aug 16, 2019
I came into this expecting a semi-aware romcom that takes the concept of romcom and alters it a bit.
Instead, I get this cringefest of non-believable characters and some of the worst plot contrivances I've ever read.

Someone tell this author to go outside and interact with some real people, instead of producing this shit.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
Dropped this a few months ago cause of the bad writing in general. Seen the anime and its even worse than the manga. Full of bad forced comedy
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2018
This series really went downhill. It was an interesting concept at first but then turned into a generic harem.
Mar 6, 2019
Jabaited but I like trash anyway. Need more filler content to prevent me from shooting myself while waiting for some mainline series updates
Wouldn't recommend this as a serious main interest manga but some random Garbage that's got some good hook.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2019
So does he land the senpai and the loli or is he stuck with himself and maybe the yandere girl? If he does get a harem how are the dynamics? Do they all have a crush on him? Is it any different from the rest of the 1000+ harem manga out there? Does he still remain edgy and manipulative or did he lose his edge and turn into a dumbass?

Active member
Jul 8, 2019
In this comment section a bunch of manchildren wanting an intelligent deconstruction of the Rom-Com genre, when Oregiaru exists.
The point of this story is that its supposed to give you an aneurysm because it takes the reality of how difficult it is juggling women as a barely prepubescent child and physically manifests it in absolute cringe.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@Birthdayfreak67 I understand your rage on hating Oregairu. It's a milestone of every rom-com-drama. Compared to that Oresuki is just a very bad joke. Absolutely horrendous in every segment.
As others mentioned before the Concept was good and promising but very badly executed.Haphazard progression and character personalities,relationships.
You mentioned reality but this manga is the furthest thing from it. Complete opposite of Oregairu that does not bullshit you with bad comedy, there the MC tells you how life is for a loner, for someone in need of a genuine friendship,or more like trusting calculable relationship. While in Oresuki everything is coated with bad comedy while stealing closure scenes from detective conan.
So for your reality I can only quote Shizuka Hiratsuka sensei from Oregairu that "Harsh things do not always equal reality. Well for a child maybe it does"
Active member
Jul 8, 2019
@konzolmester Bro you just posted cringe. I love Oregairu with a passion and this story doesnt hold a candle to it, but thats besides the point.
Im trying to say that this manga is an artistic illustration of Murphy's Law in play. A story in which everything that will go wrong will and this is applicable even to the meta of the narrative in which the point of this art induces pain in such ludicrous levels it is tantamount to watching a flaming pile of trash roll down a hill. I hate the jokes and most of the characters, I enjoy this in a pure sadistic way seeing how an ill informed teen wastes the best days of his youth on the impossible acquisition of a harem and how these desires corrupt his simple blissful life.
Also nice quote from a broken women, reality is subjective it all depends how you wish to perceive it desu.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@Birthdayfreak67 Then I guess its a misunderstanding on my behalf. Don't know how seasoned you are but if you want something similar to Oregairu but a bit more depressing but with a good story and ending than I encourage you to try Onanie Master Kurosawa.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018

Yeah this is different from the usual harem manga, in this one you dont want anyone to win and every single character is annoying, unlikable and badly written. The story makes no sense either.

basically a manga for masochists

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