Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Ch. 99 - Like a Fairy Tale

Double-page supporter
Sep 19, 2018
The brother is an absolute piece of garbage and so is the mage. You would think the mage would have been the smarter and understanding person but instead she tried to play the victim. They were acting like whatever Christina was feeling or going through meant nothing.
This is all so stupid, I knew it would go this way, it's forced drama for drama writing sake. Now we're gonna get "Shoul I return with them or not" Like seriously your brother is breaking walls, assaulted and obviously tried to kill your husband and won't listen to you. Break all ties with that insane amount of red flags being shown right now and never look back....

The mage is just as bad for not only enabling his behaviour but then putting it on FMC like this is all her fault. I really hope the writing gets better cause if not I'll consider dropping this it's all that dumb.

No he's clearly beyond sisterly love and is obviously full blown sis-con. In this chapter alone we saw his thought process to prove that.
Her looking sad does not indicate she would have the "do I go back or not thought process." She is sad about the way her brother and best friend are behaving without trying to figure out or hear out FMC's feelings.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
The brother is an absolute piece of garbage and so is the mage. You would think the mage would have been the smarter and understanding person but instead she tried to play the victim. They were acting like whatever Christina was feeling or going through meant nothing.

Her looking sad does not indicate she would have the "do I go back or not thought process." She is sad about the way her brother and best friend are behaving without trying to figure out or hear out FMC's feelings.
We have to remember she has alot of emphasis on duty. With all the things that foreshadowed on the "Will she go or not" there is noway they'll just go "Try to understand me brother, he is the man I love stop being a creepy siscon"
Dex-chan lover
Jul 24, 2018
I agree the brother needs to tone it way down, but that's not the only thing which he's failing to consider.

They're on a different world, and he's assuming that everything works the same way it does at home, that there's an aristocratic hierarchy, and peasants are peasants. Refuses to listen to his own kin, who is clearly more experienced with the people, and refuses to stop causing trouble. Being willing to show off his strength every single opportunity he gets to brute force his way through. So he deserves every ounce of what Christina is dishing out for being so bullheaded.

The mage, once again I point out the kind of world they come from. Our common sense doesn't apply to their way of life or thinking, so like Christina's brother, some adjustment is necessary. Bartholomeus is a Knight, and his position commands a certain amount of influence and respect where they're from, and if the mage considers herself his fiance, to their way of life, she also considers herself subordinate to him, particularly since he and Christina come from a noble house. His mistake is obviously that he thinks his name, and the name of the kingdom they serve actually means a damn on Earth. They don't live on 21st century Earth even if we do, and we can be glad that we do, and that this story is fictional.

For Kanji keeping a lid on the incident, remember how Christina was treated when they found out about her. And they had her full cooperation, so it was tedious, but for the most part she was treated well. Now we have her obviously volatile brother who doesn't hesitate to resort to violence. He's lucky Honami doesn't have armed JSDF Marines out there with her. Any one of them will probably shoot them dead before Bartholomeus or Louise can finish any incantations. Any further hostilities, and the two will likely be encarcerated, and treated like lab rats for the rest of their natural lives, then have their individual body parts vivisected and sent off for study all across the planet. So Barholomeus needs to get it in his head fast, that even at home, for what he's doing, a foreign national in someone else's country resorting to violence can easily be treated as an enemy combatant.

edit: Kanji is doing this for his wife's sake so she won't have to watch her brother treated like a criminal. At the least, he's doing his earnest best to get along with his brother-in-law instead of throwing him under a bus, who's too hung up on class differences to care about how well they've done for themselves, or that his sister attained her happiness without his supervision or input.
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
I think your forgetting the end panel here, I'm not beliittling her character. Remember she herself has been agnoising with PTSD of her former comrades and also thought she'd never be able to go back. That final page where you see her looking sad/agonised as the mage walks off after saying what she did is very much the start of the annoying trope "Will I go or won't I go?" that always gets forced.

Also we had the MC for a while going "What will I do if she wants to go back" it's all been forshadowed.

Except nothing about that panel even hint at her wanting to go back to the country, more like shock at her friend's harsh comment.
Heck when the two first showed up they were like "ok, let's go back now" and she told them hol up.

As for that PTSD you mentioned, she did have that yes after finding the 'diary' of the previous person from her world, but she also talked it out with Kanji right after.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Immense culture shock & the fighting tooth and nail just to get to a girl who changed a bunch over the time took to get too her... tbh I kinda get where they're coming from, even if they're acting immature over this whole situation with unrealistic expectations. Hope for the next few chapters it doesn't escalate too much, but I'm guessing they'll run into a wake up call after awhile. Imagine they go on the run & get shot lol, or encounter the city, etc.
Dex-chan lover
May 8, 2020
bro, it shouldn't have been just a year, they should have made it at least 2 or 3. It would have made the marriage more believable. Also, these other world fuckers are acting like children. weird
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Except nothing about that panel even hint at her wanting to go back to the country, more like shock at her friend's harsh comment.
Heck when the two first showed up they were like "ok, let's go back now" and she told them hol up.

As for that PTSD you mentioned, she did have that yes after finding the 'diary' of the previous person from her world, but she also talked it out with Kanji right after.
PTSD doesn't just go away. Also yes we have her going "Wha-?" but she also has her hand shaking. This is after being told she's changed.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2018
Wow, just wow...
Lemme guess, brother later gonna convince her that she doest belong here and reports back to king. King like, saw a new world for conquest and decides to invade later only to get fished up by modern day tech
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
PTSD doesn't just go away. Also yes we have her going "Wha-?" but she also has her hand shaking. This is after being told she's changed.

Again, the hand shaking was just shock from her friend's harsh comment, which does fuck all to hint at her wanting to return home.
Hell given her current life, there's plenty of reasons for her to NOT want to go home.
-is married AND pregnant
-life is peaceful here
-old society looks down on women (Louise's comment about Honami's groups)
-old society looks down on...well, anyone they consider as below them in hierarchy (brother's actions all around)

I'd put higher odds on the two deciding to 'return for now' and then turns out they can't than this idea.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
Predictable outcome, taking into account they are "nobles" it is surprising the brother didn't kill mc.
Double-page supporter
Feb 23, 2019
Yeah the brother and Loli Witch are definitely in the wrong here they need to put themselves in Chris' shoes
Dex-chan lover
Jul 18, 2018
How about that, the author went and delivered EXACTLY what I was worried that he would. No repercussions whatsoever for the brother, a Christina that is apparently on the ethical fence between her husband and a psychopath, and a "friend" that doesn't find fault at all with her fiancé trying to murder his sister's husband. Ridiculous and so out of character for this manga. I actually hate it
Jan 21, 2018
Did.. did that siscon knight seriously just attempt to confess his love to his sister!?

If they're gonna be this nasty, maybe they should just return to their world without her...
They can return... right? Then again, if somehow there's no going back, that could serve as their wake up call.

I hope Chris doesn't get into a predictable dilemma about wanting to go back, she's already freer here unlike her old world where she's bound by knight duty and noble hierarchy, not to mention she's already happily married and pregnant; it's kinda too late to think about returning now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Did.. did that siscon knight seriously just attempt to confess his love to his sister!?

If they're gonna be this nasty, maybe they should just return to their world without her...
They can return... right? Then again, if somehow there's no going back, that could serve as their wake up call.

I hope Chris doesn't get into a predictable dilemma about wanting to go back, she's already freer here unlike her old world where she's bound by knight duty and noble hierarchy, not to mention she's already happily married and pregnant; it's kinda too late to think about returning now.
I'm heavily predicting we are gonna get the "Will I or won't I return" it's too foreshadowed and her reaction is clearly worriedish after what the mage said at the end. Also yes the siscon knight legit half confessed to his sister.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 2, 2018
"You're not the Christina we know anymore"
Alright, fck off then. Nobody gives a drop of dookie shit to some dickheads that randomly beats up the ONE GUY who took care of Chris' while they were not there for her, destroyed a wall which is probably someone's property, and now walks away from the person they crossed worlds for to rescue just because her life changed within 1 year. Also didn't they also left Chris all alone back in their own home world? Chris wouldn't have crossed worlds if she weren't about to die all alone being chased by people trying to kill her.

You see Chris is doing fine right? Good, now go fuck off back to your home world then.

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