Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Ch. 99 - Like a Fairy Tale

Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2019
Bet the brother had that "I'm gonna marry you when I'm older" phase of Christina and took it literally, then proceed to mald with extra sauce and no chill knowing the fact that Christina has set out on her own journey

Yeah, screw 'em both...

Then Kanji forgives them like it's all sunshine and rainbows
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
"Think of it from the perspective of their moral standards."
Voryn, I can get culture shock, but JFC. I don't walking into another country and into a stranger's house and start swinging. I would say this is partly Chris's fault for dumping all of this information on him all at once, and not easing him into it, but then again, the brother has no impulse control. Even after assaulting Chris's husband and being shown Chris's outrage at the situation, he still didn't calm down (for Chris's sake).

And they are lucky LUCKY to have found these people. Had it been for me, with the information I now know about these two, I would have them teleported in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
Brother is surprised that his sister, who is saddled with survivor guilt and ptsd, is stranded as a stranger in a strange land, has no way to poke wormhole back from her side, does not know whether it is even possible to repeat the freak accident she used to spirit away to Da Erf, decides that it is how it is and settles down instead of keeping eternal vigil waiting for big bro to show up on a white horse
Good lord, what an idiot
Feb 7, 2023
"Think of it from the perspective of their moral standards."
Voryn, I can get culture shock, but JFC. I don't walking into another country and into a stranger's house and start swinging. I would say this is partly Chris's fault for dumping all of this information on him all at once, and not easing him into it, but then again, the brother has no impulse control. Even after assaulting Chris's husband and being shown Chris's outrage at the situation, he still didn't calm down (for Chris's sake).

And they are lucky LUCKY to have found these people. Had it been for me, with the information I now know about these two, I would have them teleported in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
If the offence was involving strangers then they likely won't have intervened (though they likely wouldn't have anyway due to it being someone else's family matter, this is pathological in Asian cultures but Europeans never had the same view of intervention so long as it was under the law, was by a superior (depending on circumstance), by the wider community or was with permission, but Europeans had different family structures in the first place) under the assumption of differences they don't understand, but by it being his sister the moral norms of his society is still in force, of course this means that the norms will cause conflict when they overlap with other moral systems but you've probably noticed that historical westerners tended clash quite severely with the societies with foreign religions, cultures or ideologies (though secularization, the spread of western moral assumptions in the form of humanism rather than Christianity, as well as westernisation and globalisation have changed that situation quite at bit, and obviously the society has also changed to what we see today as well so the extremes are different). As it was his sister it involves his family and the origin of the offender in moot.

Of course this is a weakness of this moral system, it does not recognise the agency of children over their actions and instead binds them tightly to the greater family unit. Thus Christina's actions and choices are assumed to be her husband's responsibility and he is the one the offence is taken with. Likewise it is a sexist system, the wayward marriage of a daughter would be taken as an affront to family honour while a son doing the same would most likely just be disowned. It is not inflexible, if they hadn't been married when he arrived then he technically could have listened to her wishes and granted permission for the marriage despite everything (though that would depend on him being head of the household and the family would have lost a good deal reputation even if it wouldn't be seen as a slight on their honour, merely a scandal), but that also means that he could have simply taken her back by force and it was probably intended that way by design (e.g. the family get the last say no matter what). The technical offence lays in the fact that it was done without family consent even if the insult may in reality have a far greater number of factors.

I don't know about Europe (if I recall there was only the right of refusal, though you could also make a vow of chastity they could still just redirect you to elderly men who were looking for a caretaker moreso than a wife (marrying older women was a thing but they were rarely over 35, during certain periods a female widow would marry her late husbands brother if he was available, though medieval people at least didn't like that (wider definition of incest), it was a thing still during the first world war), you could also join a holy order in which case you were free from family but under obligations to the order and oaths made to join instead, men seem to have had less pressure but their was nothing wrong with a married couple both under shared vows of chastity and as women were more religious it wouldn't as hard to find someone looking for that, men also had a much easier time living independently of family structures and social obligations though it was still a comparatively difficult life) but in Japan it was also traditional that the family would lose their say over who you married if you were still unmarried by a certain age (I think 25 but that's from memory).
Feb 7, 2023
I'd recommend the book 'The Fires of Lust: Sex in the Middle Ages' by Katherine Harvey as a source on what I've been talking about, Ruth Goodman also has excellent social histories on Tudor and Victorian England, 'The Rise of Respectable Society: A Social History of Victorian Britain' by F. M. L. Thompson is also a good book. I don't know of anything concise existing in regards to Japan, China and East Asia in general, you just have to read widely around the subject, I'd be interested to know if anybody knows of any good books on the subject.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Goddammit. I had hoped otherwise, but both the Knight and the Mage are going to cause trouble. All because they gave Chris no agency and thought of her as Someone that needed to be Rescued instead of taking their time to understand the current situation she finds herself in. And to beat up Kanji is just wrong. Brother Knight is supposed to be a fucking Hero, ffs. Instead he's acting like a petulant child He should be placed under police custody if he's going to destroy property and fly off the handle like that. The Mage doesn't strike me as being any more understanding of their own circumstances either. Something tells me they're going to follow up their foolish reactions by doubling down and use force to get their way again.
All i can really say.
Just because a person is a hero doesn't mean they're really a good person. Especially if they have a shtty ass mindset, attitude, personality nor smartness when they travel to another world and expect to have the same common sense.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
People in here are so far being quite unreasonable, I know that the main characters are the ones you naturally are the most accustomed to and thus empathise with but there is slightly more going on.

Christina should understand all this as a person from their world and likewise understand that moving place does not break family ties or the obligations her brother has to retain his family's honour, she should also understand her brother's grief that she has greatly damaged her reputation and prospects and slighted her family, in sort the Asian concept of 'face' could be said to apply. The fact she doesn't consider this or attempt to close ground from common understanding is why she could be said to have changed, from the perspective of a clever person like the mage it likely doesn't endear her.

The brother has come from a great journey and been through much to ensure the safety of his little sister, he then finds that she has been seduced by a man of low social status with less strength and reliability than a cockroach, he did so in fragrant breech of family honour, personal regard and social consideration and as a weakling with no wealth or influence likely wouldn't even be able to take responsibly for it even if extended the opportunity. He has also consummated the marriage and thus greatly reduced the possibility for the situation to be salvaged. He then repeatedly talks to a social superior without having been spoken to and throws what he has done in his face while the man is still trying to process the situation. The fact he isn't dead shows extreme consideration by the brother (especially considering how much he would have had to have held back for that to be the case). His sister then fails to consider his feelings or the difficult position she has put him in and tells him he's of secondary interest to her, he makes clear just how easily he could have turned her husband into a red mist and huffs off in strop.
Jun 16, 2019
At first, I was excited about the idea of a family reunion.
Now I'm regretting it.

The brother is a fracking inconsiderate, doesn't he think about how his sister is feeling right now? Why the hell is he even angry?
They help your sister ffs. At least talk it out first now proceed to beat the frak up the people who help her.

And the loli mage the same, can't even pretend to be happy that her friend is now pregnant and is living a happy life?
And she has the audacity to say like
"You're no longer the female knight Christina that I used to know"
What the frak do you expect to see? Her struggling for food and injure all the time or being sold as a slave or something?
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Feb 7, 2023
Voryn, I don't have to listen to your "cultural" honor killing justification.
No, you don't. It is something to be expected with societies that are aristocratic monarchies however, or indeed any societies which are largely decentralised and based on family structures. I wasn't particularly making value judgments other than my belief that liberal societies aren't any better innately but rather simply have different flaws. I would heavily disagree with most honour killings but I'm coming from a different moral system than those which still routinely practice them. I'm not going to condemn people who are justified by their context however such as those in medieval conditions or without any other option for justice, which most fantasy settings are, which is why it is noticeable to me that they don't act like their social context should demand, Ascendance of a Bookworm is a notable exception.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Voryn, you don't understand and you keep barfing out these long rambling textposts that continuously go off topic. These two people have entered a completely unknown world. Everything is going to be unknown and they should be walking on eggshells to prevent drawing unwanted attention to themselves.
This would be like me flying to Japan for the first, demanding people around me to speak english, getting piss drunk and swinging at people. I'm going to be alienating people and at worse, I'm getting jailed/booted back the the states. I can't just simply transport actions in one place and just think they will translate normally to another place.
The fact the brother assaulted the MC was bad enough. The fact that he continues his bad behavior post Chris's outburst, only solidifies his pure childish arrogance. He is drawing unwanted attention for himself for the sake of his tunnel-vision wants/needs/"customs". THIS is why we hate this character right now.
Feb 7, 2023
Voryn, you don't understand and you keep barfing out these long rambling textposts that continuously go off topic. These two people have entered a completely unknown world. Everything is going to be unknown and they should be walking on eggshells to prevent drawing unwanted attention to themselves.
This would be like me flying to Japan for the first, demanding people around me to speak english, getting piss drunk and swinging at people. I'm going to be alienating people and at worse, I'm getting jailed/booted back the the states. I can't just simply transport actions in one place and just think they will translate normally to another place.
The fact the brother assaulted the MC was bad enough. The fact that he continues his bad behavior post Chris's outburst, only solidifies his pure childish arrogance. He is drawing unwanted attention for himself for the sake of his tunnel-vision wants/needs/"customs". THIS is why we hate this character right now.
I thought I explained it before but as it effects his sister it effects him (e.g. the foreign or not nature of other parties is irrelevant) and like most of the people who've talked about it in this thread so far he most likely is simply imposing his own natural response without really thinking about the wider context. If it wasn't his own family he would almost certainly just act like a confused tourist. If you saw a forced marriage in central asia I doubt you'd do anything, if it was being done to your cousin you would likely fly of the rails even if it upset local sensibilities, same concept. He is from a world with kings and magic culture shock is unsurprising, especially right after you arrived.

If your hypothetical cousin got angry at you and said that proper marriages involve kidnapping the bride then I'd imagine you'd be pretty confused as well, it takes time to aclimatise to foreign ideas and cultures and working from common understanding is pretty important if you actually want to resolve anything.

I know I can be long winded but I'm pretty sure I've basically already said this.

We'll see what the author does, making them evil or joke characters would be a waste but I doubt there will be an in depth exploration of motivations or assumptions, it's the kind of thing that interests me but I read academic histories for fun. Re: Zero is pretty good at introducing concepts but I don't think this is that sort of series, in all likelihood there will be some light drama for a few chapter, the MC will show his dedication to Christina and then everyone will become friends and go drinking.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
-snip- For size purposes
Yeah I just can't see the Mangaka going the deep route. It's all a very interesting subject though, maybe one day we'll get a series that does go into that kinda stuff. I just think they'll stick to Brother being a massive sis-con and him never getting over it. It'll like you said probably played for laughs and we'll be like "Hey he hospitalized MC and no repercusions?" and no sister not talking to him isn't repercusions.

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