Ori no Naka

Group Leader
Feb 28, 2024
Herein we have a live demonstration of people viewing a work as "lesser" due to them not liking the subject matter.
The subject is shit and repulsive, I've seen a lot of weird mangas and hentais, but nothing that made me feel this disgusted. Seriously, even if the protagonist has redemption and becomes a normal person, I don't care at all, if he gets arrested or blackmailed it would be something cool to see.
Feb 24, 2023
I guess there's maybe something cathartic reading this for some readers or for the mangaka, but personally, I don't see the point in spending time reading about this annoying self-deprecating guy and his boring fantasies. You know from the beginning that nothing positive can come up from this reading. You probably can skip this altogether.
Mar 8, 2025
Yeah this is cursed but props to the translator for the Japanese anatomy/vocab lesson at the end of chapter 1 — actually very interesting!
Mar 9, 2025
Warning: broken English

its a really good story about the self hate and of people that don't understand relationship because they never hade one, finding excuse for the thing they look just for a bit of arousal, i personally understand the MC he live is whole life not making wave trying to be good meanwhile, he is looking and appreciating some horrendous shit, because like most guy that feel like loser juste good for the trash, with a destiny to be alone forever, they find solace in fiction full of s*x and very kinky stuff, (i'm not say that everyone go look for that type of thing when they or down in the dump, but for some of the people that read this, i'm sure they will understand),

this story is about a man that ate the forbidden fruit and lost the battle with arousal and with the loneliness, he know he in the wrong he know juste how much is life is worthless and every time he do it, he feel the post-nut clarity and regret every second of it,

that pretty much my opinion of it, and i will say with a chill in my spine but i relate too that man, not for the pad stealing but for everything else (welp i share to much but who care :aquadrink:)

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