That was so far off from what I'd expected but I loved every panel of it. Come on three-way poly triangle with an incestuous edge ending. Thanks for translating.
Yeah... I mean, I don't really feel the mc and I'm not actually a fan of incest but yep, I think I'm rootin' for incest this time. Big sis is a pretty little angel, lil sis is stupid and cute and I don't know about the mc, I don't like her, you see.
I mean what are they going to do? Reproduce? There's no reason to be against incestuous homosexual couples in real life when you're already pro-homosexuality.
that’s got to be the most retarded corelation that i had ever saw, since when is being ok with gay people an gateway to agree with INCRST? what’s next? being STRAIGH is ok with necrophilia? or zoophilia?
that is VERY HOMOPHOBIC way if thinking! we all know inces is not seeing as an good thing!! VERY immoral even by non religious people! so your literaly euqating THAT level of immorality with being gay!!!