this manga is so wrong in the very 1st chapter .
kaguya-b!tch manga is trash so this idol manga is also trash .
the MC of this idol manga is a gynecology doctor ( he takes care of women 's illness ) , so why did he hang around with a male and a girl who had cancers in page 7 and page 10 ?
he is a girlfriend-less loner loser so he chooses this gynecology job so he can freely look at women 's b00bs and pu$$ies , lol .
page 13 : why did they choose this ugly picture for her altar picture ?
- TELL ME WHO IS THE FATHER ? he is a criminal rapi$t who rap*d a 16-years-old girl .
- i love him very much so i want to protect him , i wont tell you his name . tee hee hee hee , it is a secret .
- ???????????? yo , what is so funny about this ? are you actually a $lut who loves c0cks ?
page 23 : a cute , young , famous idol girl wants to marry a fugly , fat , old guy ???? yeah right .
- stalker : you are the doctor of my idol ? I WILL FUKKING KILL YOU .
- ??????????
- MC : i was reborned as a child of my favorite idol , so now i can freely $uck her milk and look at her pu$$y .