Whenever the star goes crazy, you know Aqua is going to do something dark. By publicising the suicide, he has brought it into the public eye. That means it can't be ignored on the show by the producers. He's added a new twist to the Akane story that people are following, making her too important to viewers. Before it was because they hated her, now it's because many may be concerned for her. With so much interest, the producers have to include content with her in to fill that demand if they want to keep riding that popularity, and I reckon Aqua plans to control those scenes through how he acts next.
It's not surprising anyway how desperate he is to save someone in front of him like this when he can do so. He was powerless to save Ai, and she died over him and he had to watch as she went cold and lifeless. It's no wonder he flashed back to that moment in this chapter when thinking about why he saved Akane. That sight alone was traumatic for him.