@dethduck I see nothing wrong with my avatar. That's just a manly man doing manly things. Although I've got to admit that I had quite a bit of an erection when I first saw that image. Just a tiny bit my friend, and I said the magic words "No Homo" afterwards.
straight guys put emphasis on genitals when what they want, more than the body, is the idea of a woman, and not her vagina.
this whole "traps are gay" ordeal has to end
"Traps" don't exist.
@elefantine97 but they kinda do??? Traps are pretty much the same as drag queens. Both dress up in a feminine style to dress like a woman but know they are still a man. Which is ironic because of everyone bashes on the word trap + otoko no ko but nothing on drag queens. Anyway, I never thought that the men who say they like traps are straight. Because what you like in the 2D world and what you would like IRL are gonna be different. Tbh, I found that those men are pretty much bisexual. Which no one ever seems to talk about how a man like feminine men or just the attraction to feminity could just be bisexual or just attracted to (again) feminity.
Its a pet peeve when people tend to bash on traps yet they go on and on how clothes don't define a person's gender yet people do that with the fictional world. It's something I should ignore but I feel I can't. So if you disagree then that's perfectly fine! That's just what I feel and you can disagree all you want.