Otome Danshi ni Koisuru Otome - Vol. 3 Ch. 356 - At the Local Supermarket

Jan 18, 2018
it's fun to see the boy dressing as a girl behaving as the most machist of the group
Nov 1, 2018
it's interesting to see how Japan's gender roles (and the way they imprinted on Yuki) contrast with how his relationship with Mayu is presented in the comic...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
He's getting too obsessed with the protection issue. They aren't living in any godforsaken country plagued by Isis fighters. He just needs to think what would make both Mayu and himself happy.
Active member
Nov 18, 2018
@Kaarme well she was about to be molested the first time they met and mayu and her mother ran from a fucked up man (was in a relationship with the mom ch.213)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It has been pointed out by the story a few times already that Mayu isn't a weakling anymore. Furthermore, statistically speaking, in a developed country if someone has been approached by molesters once, it's less likely they find themselves in such a situation again, unless they themselves are doing something to increase the chances, like wandering the streets of a bad neighbourhood regularly.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
@Fixel - I’m not sure who Yuki thinks he’s going to protect. Kei has already had to come to Yuki’s rescue! Yuki is just as likely to get sexually harassed as Mayu is.
Jan 19, 2018
@Kaarme the chance would be the same unless one specifically goes out of one's way to be in situations with a higher or lower chance of something occurring. It would not change just because one encountered it already, though - that's applying the gambler's fallacy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It's like you said from an individual's (individual case's) perspective, but from a statistical point of view it's not. While the average chance may be the same for every incident, having it strike the same person twice is less probable. Just like with every roll of a dice the odds of getting 6 is 1/6, but getting 6 three times in a row is far less, despite the chance being the same for every roll. That's why molesters randomly choosing the same victim is less probable than choosing another one. I don't really know how molesters think, but wouldn't the criminals try to avoid attacking the same target twice? Becoming a stalker would increase their risk of getting caught. Although if Mayu did attract a stalker, then obviously all statistics can be thrown out of the window.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
Well, Mayu's got stronger, but it's one thing talking to a schoolmate, another being confronted with a molester. Although, i too doubt author will reuse this situation.
Now, mother's obsessive ex is a Chekhov's Gun in a nutshell, given how she heard he was looking for Mayu (practically a stalker, so, yeah, statistics do get thrown out of the window). Talks about protection just lampshade the obvious. Don't forget, this is manga, so it's less statistics, more tropes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I'm not sure perfectly average people would really know beforehand how they would react and behave if a molester attacked them. Simply freezing would be as probable as starting to scream or turning around and delivering a swift right punch. Well, the last one is more likely what people would claim they would do, the reality being different. However, Mayu has experienced it once, so her situation is actually better than someone's who hasn't, especially since she has been getting mentally a whole lot better since then. When you have gone through a situation, you will always be better prepared for a second time, unless it left you badly traumatised.

It remains to be seen if the abusive dad ever appears. If he does, it's not guaranteed Yuuki can do anything. He can't be with her around the clock. In fact what he has been doing all this time, helping Mayu heal, is more valuable than trying to guard her.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 17, 2018
Well, that's still yet for Yuuki to figure out. For all we know Mayu's mom can drop some hints for him in the following chapters. Or not.

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