As a light novel reader, and with the context of the Hertraude and Marie spin offs, their Fortunes are just "Too bad, you were born in the incorrect Timeline"
Also, the Light novels reffers to the same character in their Fortunes, 'the hero' so Marie alredy passed 'The hero' and cant escape the burdens of her actions.
With Hertraude is even worse as she just had to be born in the right timeline as everything else, regardless of her actions is a bad ending
And cause the fortune basically confirms that Leon is the Hero.
page 21: It's "Thank you for purchasing fan collective" As the novel goes.
It's a 4th wall joke that Leon bought the DLC, which is another 4th wall joke as we the readers read through this.
Inception 4th wall
So Leon has now procured a big-tiddy, big-butt, baby-faced, milf erofu with instant "grow crops" magic and she seriously underestimates her own self-worth. He'd have to be insane not to add her to the harem. Yet he wants to leave her with his father?! Seriously?!
The loss he will experience is either Partner being destroyed in the next arc or when Luxion "dies" two or three arcs from now but since he'd periodically "saves states" he easily resurrects himself but loses some memories of his travels with Leon."]
Leon is the hero, Luxion is the demon lord. in the end both leon and luxion dies but marie has some sort of power to revive them but she can only save 1. when the 3 of them met at the afterlife leon wants luxion to be the one to be revive but when they were coming to the gate luxion pushed leon. so, leon got revive and luxion is dead. in the end luxions body is still there but his personality is completely new. So the one Leon will lose is luxion