I'm actually fascinated by my own cognitive dissonance on this subject matter.
Like with the pillars and whatnot... I'm kinda impressed by the products and the detail they've put into them...
... but then I think to myself: they've spent the entirety of their youth, generation after generation, sewing decorative crap that serves absolutely no fucking purpose beyond cultural masturbation. I hope they at least derive enjoyment from it, because all those flowers and shit all over every single piece of cloth they could ever use for anything is even more pointless and time-consuming than the metal studs and buckles on some of my own clothing (because I don't wear much because, surprise surprise, it is impractical).
In short... while I can respect the product of sincere time and effort invested... my inner pragmatist is horrified and disgusted by it because none of it does anything, and they've spent YEARS of their life just making cloth look pretty.
... And that beardy guy with the turban seriously looked like he wanted to lewd the loli.
@Akaeie : Imagine your entire maternal line came about from lewding the loli to the point where your grandmother still looks young. You can bet these girls all gave birth at about 14 or somesuch.