This arc played out really badly, but I guess that was to be expected since from the start Alice was portrayed as a tropy passive dark-haired love interest with no characterization who is just a plot device to make the already inhumanly in control MC (in this case secondary character) look even more above it all.
What should have been their story was for Koroko's arrogance to finally cause a disaster and for Alice to come to her aid in spite of her hurt feelings. Making Koroko see how all of this time she was too scared of showing people her true feelings and wear a mask of pride that brought forth her downfall in the end.
At the very least Alice shouldn't have been portrayed as the nearly completely void of personality, spineless appendage to Koroko she was. And at the very least Koroko should have been the one to emotionally ask Alice whether they could be friends again.
WIthout this boring fanservicey relationship, this manga would have been near perfect. Naboro and Yukino are just amazing. But Alice and Koroko drag this down to just another story that could have been much better than it is.