Ouroboros - Vol. 20 Ch. 114 - Separation

Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
I'm sorry, Danno saying "laters" feels just so silly and out of place with the serious tone of the chapter. Otherwise though, dang. Anyone else get the feeling that Kitegawa is still hiding a lot more about Yuiko? Pretty sure he's still hiding something about it, he's definitely not as pure or benevolent as he acts.
Aggregator gang
Dec 12, 2018
Honestly I'm not digging this memory lost bullshit. I'm sure it was for character development, like a true test of their brotherly bond. But the problem is that it was already done on that boat. Those brothers on the boat were already like we are two while you are one kind of thing. And Amnesia is already contrived bullshit that makes the story worse, due to the inherent convince factor to enhance the drama. I'd have preferred if Danno and Ikuo were separated in a more ideological way. Because we already know that the orphanage was trafficking the organs of children, and their foster mother was knowingly doing fucked up shit. At least I think it would have been more interesting in the story for Danno's reasoning of separating their partnership out of the emotions of the past.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2018
My theory is that Danno might have lost his memories in the beginning but slowly got his memories back. I think he chose not to tell Ryuzaki so that he can part ways with him for the mission.

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