Thanks for the quick new chapter! I know translating "Auu and Uooh" could get tiring but i swear I can guess what Bojji is saying sometimes.
That and his facial expressions have increased
@xeranith we'd like to work to together on this scan if you're interested, we're currently a bit short on typesetter but have TL and raws. Here's pur discord if you're interested:
@xeranith we'd like to work to together on this scan if you're interested, we're currently a bit short on typesetter but have TL and raws. Here's pur discord if you're interested:
Hello, I just want to work alone for the moment. I don't mean any harm in scanlating this series too, just wanted a quick scan out there for people wanting to be up to date. Some stuff might be wrong like the TL or the flow of it, but I try my best. Your scan is a lot better.