Sugiwara no Michizane (Kansan) will end up as the Japanese patron god of scholarship. Literally. The historical guy actually died in exile after running afoul of the Fujiwara clan but was deified as a god to appease his spirit after a massive disaster hit Heian-kyo (Kyoto) and many Fujiwara mansions burned to the ground 27 years after he'd passed. He is known as the Tenjin. This is actually pretty common in Japanese history. If you're worried about the vengeful spirit of a vanquished opponent, you deify him to make amends. Taira no Masakado was similarly deified, as was the child-emperor Antoku (the Suijin).
If you're familiar with the Twin Dolls / Twin Angels hentai series, the protagonists of that series are twin miko serving a shrine of the Tenjin who must defend a descendant of Michizane from demons trying to turn him into their overlord. This is because the Tenjin is a Japanese divinity that started as a demon-god (the vengeful spirit of Michizane) and evolved into a more positive patron god only later on.