@Eclipse01 of course. both this version and the previous one are fun to read. Always surprised with how well-thought the original author's plot is. Maybe that could be potential of problem on the previous version. But i don't know since it was not happening (because the discontinuity)
The stat page at the end has an error. The weight should be
Weight: 3,095/1,000
@randompasserby @NGOtaku
The girl smith from the previous comic was a total invention (she was the daughter of the smith who had died). This is version of the smith is much closer to the novel. (and starts off Grid's destiny of being loved by old men)
I kinda dislike how "hyper" the mc is at all times, its like his emotions are always turned to 11... exhausting to look at lmao..
@Grimaldi Dont the stats go down when you lose levels? the only reason why he gets to abuse the system is because he is minus level but stats dont go to less than 1 lol.. it would be kinda lame way of getting stronger to kill yourself until you were like -100 level... but yeah eventually once you rose to lvl 1 and onward you might become overpowered as hell.... But not like the stats matter that much in the end, the gear seems to be more important.