Party kara Tsuihou Sareta Sono Chiyushi, Jitsu wa Saikyou Nitsuki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 28, 2020
whats the deal with always having to leave their equipment behind ?
i mean sure some items should always belong to the party and are only loaned to the members especially if they are very rare but this is not a rpg where you switch the entire equip from one henchmen to the next

anyone without a weapon is easier to handle compared to having a weapon
but generaly the difference being reach and risk of injury
a weapon means higher reach and lower risk of injury
some special weapons trade reach or risk of injury for maneuverability and/or precision/penetration/ strength-application

in case of the mc if the ogres had weapons they wouldn't be hitting each others faces but rather the weapons or at most the arms
Active member
Sep 7, 2019
He gave (all?) his equipment away and was low on cash..
Was he broke for buying new gear or else where did he get the knives and shortsword?
Party members should've been paid for their portion of contribute and manage their gear personally..
Weird how he just give his gear away so easily if he's not planning to retire from the job.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
MC's old party is in for a rough patch. Granted MC can't cast anything stronger than heal but considering he can cast it at a distance, heal poison with it (still takes a min or two,) can cast while fighting, tank and spot traps he's more of a jack of all trades rather than a specialized healer. LN gives more details like his old party members weren't the only ones harshly bullying and talking badly about him. Also, Savaria and party leader were hoarding most of the income while making up excuses for not even paying him 1/10 of a share. That's why surprised amount he and Narsena got would be enough to buy a house. As for being considered broken it's due to the party leader, Saveria, and a rotten guild receptionist glossing over his achievements and talking down on him along with only being able to cast heal as a healer. As a result, only Narsena actually went with him to the dungeon to see what he could do rather than making assumptions comparing him to other healers.

In case anyone wants some spoilers on MC and old party
MC does well due to some tricks learned from a master on various special skills, being able to cast heal from a distance multiple times while fighting, ability to tank, and boost to self-esteem from joining up with Narsena who is very forward with her support for him. As for the scum Sarveria and the loudmouth leader they get in big trouble due to thinking that being a high grade party was solely due to their own measly efforts rather than MC's. Basically they have unreasonable beliefs about their abilities, blame everybody but themselves for failures, take risky chances without proper preparations like buying antidotes, and really are only talented at sounding good and cheating their members. So as a result they tried to pull a couple of tricks to get some money in which ended up costing them everything, and rather than reflect or mend their ways attempted even more loathsome tricks ending up as mine slaves. A mine slave is basically a death sentence as the food is terrible, pretty much for life, work dangerous due to cave-ins and unhealthy working conditions, the slaves have no rights or freedoms, cheap equipment, and long hours.

@Roadrunner9000 It's because party leader and Sarveria are penny pinching, greedy scum. Find out later but basically they've been drastically underpaying him, and while using party funds for whatever they want he has to save up for whatever he buys. So while believing in their own lies they wanted his equipment as the last means of exploiting money from him to fatten their pockets just a little more. In LN find out they have the reputation for being experts at exploiting newbies like the darkest black company.

Are you saying the new healer joins MC's party? If I remember correctly it's more she joined the party of a friend from back home which later paired up or joined MC's party.
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
Why do all these "leave the party"-mangas (isnt that its own genre by now btw?) the "leave your equipment behind" thing and the people actually do it? ...
Just doesn't make sense for him to agree to that, he bought/lootet it obviously while he was part of the party, so, they can throw him out, sure, but his equipment is his equipment, no one that acutally was out there fighting monsters and stuff would be THAT meek that he just agrees...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2020
So TL;DR MC is a Paladin that advertise himself as a healer? And everyone calls him useless because he advertises himself as a healer? I mean you can't really blame people for this, when you advertize yourself being a healer then you turn out to not have much healing people going to be mad.
Aggregator gang
Jun 4, 2018
this is really shallow writing. the guy can attack and heal but thats the reason why he's no longer IN a party? it really goes both ways. the writer wants us to think that people look down on him IF he can't heal properly which is the premise BUT for people like me we think deeper, what if the mc make it known that he's a melee healer? instead of watching his ex party members who were out all night he could've contributed to his sluggish team members. look at my pic and it's a character from ffxiv. i main scholar and i always dps after i drop a few adlo on my team. this fucker here is using only HEAL and he doesn't do anything else-my man tsutomu from live dungeon MADE IT KNOW THAT HE'S THE SHIT WHEN THEY ALL QUESTION THE ROLE OF A HEALER. his healing style is unorthodox by their standards but he made a difference. see, if anyone plays ffxiv you would know that the moment a healer just focus on "healing" and don't dps you will get called out for it. so to me, its really a 50/50 kind of thing when you look at it and honestly i really do think that his ex party would like that. just like how i would like it if our healer would add to the damage instead of sitting around and dropping heals only. the whole point of being in a party in the first place is to contribute as best as you can to make things work and clear the floor fast. you "COVER" for each other not complain about some morons being drunk. the writers are getting too lazy now. its just not a believable setting for me to get into. i always liked the melee healer theme but you gotta make it believable for me to continue reading. 1 star. drop.

oh one more thing, this self-victimization shit is really annoying. "oh no one likes me because i can't heal properly" no, maybe if you were upfront with them in the first place who KNOWS what might've happened IF you showed them how your dps would do. this is nothing different than a incel whining about not being able to date some girl because he never had the balls to ask her out but he assume that he knows how someone else thinks.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
I will never understand the culture of "nuisance fees" that japan seems to have (it appears in a lot of those kinds of mangas). Why would the fired person need to pay their employer anything? It is as inexplicable as those "bribes" to the landlord that is required by contract (why even call it a "bribe" [literally "gratitude money", but thats just legalese for bribe] then?), which they also do.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
I know this story gets better later on, but these intros are awful:

Whimp of a protagonist, who is part of an expert party for years, and is an expert in his field, is both unaware of their abilities and their actual role within the party.

Party fires them for an extremely dumb reason.

They lose all their gear because they're pathetic, not because they're nice.

Then they spend far too much time becoming confident.

It's impossible to actually believe this. If they don't know their abilities and role, they and probably their party would be dead already. Or they would have been fired before the party ever did anything difficult.

Thus, when they get rightfully fired, realistically, they wouldn't suddenly be free to be good at their job, because they aren't good at their job and never were. But that would end the story too fast, so the story has to pretend and make the most one-dimensional, unrealistic personalities for that former party.

It's frustrating.
Jan 21, 2018
Time for yet another banishment fantasy.

A poorly performing healer who can play off-tank, spot traps or be melee DPS... if this were a game I'd say it's a build problem. Role-based party gameplay naturally synergizes with specialization, and what he did is basically the opposite as a jack-of-all trades, meaning he'll always be worse than a specialist at a certain task. He calls himself a healer but apparently did not specialize in it...

That said, nothing really stands out for this first chapter. He's kicked out and finds a new party member. The art is nothing special either. Pretty weak start, but let's see if this tries anything at all to stand out from the rest.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2019
I saw this was getting an anime so I thought I'd check it out, but woof this is a rough start. It's just so painfully generic, even for a "I'm really OP but got kicked out of my party" story.
Double-page supporter
Mar 27, 2024
Did previous party know what kind of healer/jack of trade he is...?

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