You can't leave a party on your own? What kind of stupid stipulation is that? Especially when in the same page she said she fled her old party due to attempted sexual assault. I'd like to hope the danger of sexual assault is at least one of those "special circumstances"...
It's only chapter 3 and one of the girls are already regretting kicking him out. She's totally joining his party as a haremette later. Props to Laila for using her brain and actually not believing in Margulus slandering Raust. Yep, she's joining his party too. See, they have slots open for a ranged magic DPS and a healer anyway, and Raust can just be the tank & melee DPS. I got a feeling it's only a matter of time until he has a party of 3-4 girls.
Shopkeeper lady is using a bit of questionable tactics on Raust, who is busy playing house with a loli... and in the very next page we learn yet another girl (sounds like another loli) is also in love with him!? What in the world? Can this story decide whether he's a "defective healer" hated by everyone or an inexplicably attractive man rizzing (young) girls left and right?
"Abandoned by the adventurers because of their one night's mistake"
Those don't sound like orphans to me. Just poor kids left behind by bad adults who are incapable of "responsibility" and "parenthood". What a crapsack world. Did a bunch of noobs really hire a guy to be their disposable meat shield? It doesn't even make much sense why everyone is just kicking him down so hard, the only thing missing is people trying to turn him in to the city guard like a criminal for being a "defective healer"...
I didn't want to point this out, but is this really not supposed to have the Harem tag? Except Margulus every single named character I've seen so far is a girl and here in chapter 3 we already have 3 girls attracted to him (granted, one is a little girl and another is a background character but still...)