how did he get across the room, grab her, and use her as a shield before the mc could do anything? mc is basically a god compared to everyone else but couldnt stop it?
MC, grow some fucking balls you fucking bitch. What the fuck are you still wasting time blabbering on like a retard, just kill the family you coward little cunt.
Man, im not going to defend the MC but all this hate is kind of funny. Also @Aran1 He got there because the writer decided he would. Lets be honest a lot of this is just the writer deemed it so for drama or dramatic effect. Had he really wanted to he could and shouldve just killed them both but he didnt because plot contrivance.
Trash, you actually let that dog grab her the first thing you should have done is grab him throw him on the ground and stomp his feet legs hands arms till there is nothing under your feet but mud...
This author really is disgusting just cutting it there off...