@NeonWinter I enjoyed these characters and the story, so I wanted to write a sequel for them
Maybe it'll make you feel better about the ending
The bar is lively when we enter.
"I'm still amazed at you, Kei-chan," Hinata chats with me as we are led to our seats at the back. "Your scores are out of this world!"
She smells like pineapple.
Hinata is trustworthy and diligent. During our very first class at university she approached me and we almost immediately became friends. Which is the only reason I agreed to participate in this mixer.
I still warned her that I wouldn't be kind to any boy who tried to push his luck. I still don't like men. But I learned to tolerate them better.
We sit down at a low table and after ordering our drinks the boys introduce themselves to us and vice versa.
A table to my right is still unoccupied but I spot a reservation card.
Our group quickly becomes as lively as the rest of the bar. Hinata, Mikoto, and Haru seem happy.
I behave reserved and unapproachable so I can keep the boys at a distance. My deterring strategy has been working fine, but there is four of us and four of them, so one of them is bound to start talking to me sooner or later.
Meanwhile, the group that reserved the table to my right came in and they are seating themselves.
"Hey, I really like that dress you are wearing," One of our boys tells me. "It is so stylish.
"Thank you. Would you like to try it on?"
His expression turns into a startled, confused look.
"No... I... I..." Then he bursts into laughter.
I couldn't help myself, but I knew my reply would only thaw the wall of ice I had built around me. Hinata smiles at me.
She seems to be aware I am into girls and I think she respects my preferences, but occasionally she tries to introduce me to boys she knows.
I don't mind, but I always warn her not to expect anything to come of it.
"That was really funny. You are direct, huh?"
"I try to be. It's best to make things clear. That way everyone knows what they're in for."
"Oh. I agree," Takahashi-san, who is trying to become my date tonight, nods. "In business and personal relationships, it is always best to be up front."
"I heard you say your father works in the automobile industry?" I say, wanting to steer the conversation away from chit-chat and towards a subject that actually interests me.
Then, I smell a faint cigarette smell.
I look to my right, where a boy who is sitting with his back to me just lighted one. Across from him sits Sacchi-senpai, staring at me with her lips shaped in the form of an "O" and her cheeks a fiery red.
It is a shock to find her here so unexpectedly. I don't know how to react immediately, but she tries to act casually and smiles before turning her attention to the smoking boy.
After I stopped seeing Sacchi-senpai our paths cleanly diverged. I didn't assume anything about her future plans and never heard from anyone what she did after graduation.
Meeting her here is a complete surprise.
From shards of the conversation I overhear it seems she has found work in a convenience store.
Takahashi-san talks at length about his father's engineering job. It is actually very interesting. But I am being diverted by the eyes that keep glancing my way.
Stop looking at me!
Then my date leaves for the toilet. I try my best to overhear Sacchi-senpai's conversation.
This boy she is talking to isn't the one she was with when we were seeing each other. He talks about some rock group and says it's so cool that she is a singer.
Sacchi-senpai says she was in a band last year, but they don't perform that often anymore.
The boy is into her. He compliments her looks and tries to look cool.
He smokes another cigarette. When he offers her one Sacchi-senpai tells him she quit. She feels my eyes on her and blushes.
"Hey, what do you think of going to see Steel Roses next weekend. I got two tickets and didn't really know who to ask until now."
Sacchi-senpai slowly opens her lips and licks them before giving him her answer.
"Excuse me! But this girl already has a boyfriend!"
I took care not to say it too loud, but still Hinata and her date are staring at me. So are Sacchi-senpai and her date.
"Hahaha! He was so embarrassed! Poor guy," Sacchi senpai laughs as we walk over the pedestrian walk.
"Thanks, Kei," She adds softly. "I was really bored."
"What's Steel Roses?" I ask while looking ahead.
She is wearing a weird sleeveless loose shirt with shades of pastel colors flowing into one another and a short flowing white skirt.
I'm not used to seeing her with such girly clothes, but I also dressed up for the occasion.
I don't dislike this look on her.
"They're a punk rock group from Hokkaido. I like them, but I didn't know they were going to perform in the city.
I was feeling a little irritated because I was going to decline his invitation. But I really wanted to see Steel Roses."
She smells different. A sweet dry scent. It's a perfume I think. It's unlike anything I smelled on her before.
I turn around and face her at the corner of a convenience store.
"Why did you stop smoking?" I sharply ask.
She stares at me with her mouth hanging open.
Her lips are wet and glisten.
People are awkwardly walking around us.
I think...
"I didn't like it anymore," She says quietly, staring blinkingly into my eyes and appearing to see through me at the same time.
"You were right, Kei. The guys in the band told me I was damaging my vocal cords by smoking. So after thinking things over I eventually managed to quit. I also really hate the smell of tobacco now. Hahaha!"
She pinches her eyes shut and rubs the back of her head as she laughs.
I think I still like Sacchi-senpai.
"I would have thought you lived in the dorms," Sacchi-senpai says as she walks into my apartment.
I clean up some books and a cup while she looks around.
"I wanted to have more freedom than living in the dorms would afford," I reply.
"Yeah. I can see that," She smiles gently. "You were always doing what you felt like."
I frown at the comment.
"Is that how you see me?"
Sacchi-senpai ignores my question and turns around while stretching her arms.
The skin on her arms and neck is smooth.
"How did you do on your tests?" She asks.
Hearing no reply she turns and faces me with a soft drink in either hand which she took out of the bag of things we bought at the convenience store and laughs at my dry expression.
"Hahaha. I know that was a dumb question. I'm sorry for making small talk."
"No," I say. "It's good that you're nervous. What's it like, working?"
She blinks and smiles at my joke before she hands me my drink. I watch her go round me and sit on the bed while opening her bottle.
"It's alright," She says quietly and takes a drink. "I guess I wasted my senior year. I could have been your senpai still if I had focused on what was really important."
I watch her drink, feeling a little bothered by what she is saying.
"You can still become my kouhai if you study for next year's entrance exams. I will help you."
She looks up at my serious expression and slowly her lips form a smile.
"You are a really nice person, Kei. You were always gentle with me. Except when it wasn't in my best interest."
She rests her bottle on my nightstand and dreamily gazes at the wall beneath the window.
"Alright!" I say and pull my dress over my head after I placed my soft drink on my desk. "Let's do what you came here for."
Sacchi-senpai gives me a surprised look and bursts out in laughter.
I watch patiently until she stops shaking with laughter and raise my eyebrows at her when she does.
"What's so funny?" I bluntly ask her.
She looks at me for a second while I slowly approach her before she respectfully replies: "You always look so gloomy, Kei. Even when you tell a joke you do it with a dry look."
"That is odd. My friends don't think I am gloomy. Maybe there's a particular reason why I seem that way to you?"
She blinks at my "dry look" and averts her eyes.
"I'm sorry," She sighs.
To her shock, I push her down and get on top of her. We quietly look each other in the eyes for a moment before I take off her shirt and smell her new perfume.
I really like Sacchi-senpai's new perfume. She smells much nicer now.
"I'm really happy you stopped smoking, Sacchi-senpai," I smile.
"I'm not your senpai anymore," She smiles back. "Please. Just call me Sacchi, Kei."
"I'm really happy..."
I kiss her three times on the lips.
"...you stopped..."
I give her three intense hickey's in her neck as I feel her tense and sigh.
"...smoking, Sacchi."
Then I bite just above her left breast.
"You always mispronounce my name when we are doing it," I grin.
I kiss her breasts and bite in her belly and legs while I tease her clit. All the time she softly caresses my hair and whimpers and sighs.
Finally, as I make her come, I suck long and hard on her belly, leaving her a bunch of hickeys.
"Kei, that was wonderful," She sighs in her soft musical voice.
I crawl up until I am face to face with her and return her smile. Then we kiss while she caresses my body all over.
I start to feel warm in her hands.
It's nice. Sacchi is nice. But there's something missing.
Sacchi kisses my breasts while she slides her fingers inside of me. Deeper and deeper she goes.
I gaspingly lick her ear and shiver as she makes me come.
Finally, we rest side by side.
"Did you like it?" She asks.
I smile and bring my hand up to her cheek.
"You are the only one who makes me feel this way."
The expression on her face changes to an eager one.
"Kei... There is nobody in my world. There is nobody that makes me feel like you do."
Her eager eyes look honest.
We'll see.
"I feel a little hungry. Are chocolate wafers alright?"
"Don't be so cold..." She whines and buries her face in the bedsheets as I get up.
"Don't be impatient," I sigh. "I have exams coming up, I want to keep myself focused."
"The perfect Kei Tachibana is building her career as a big shot lawyer and has no time for a store-clerk like me."
"You're being a pain," I reply without compassion and gulp down my soft drink. "When exams are over I'll tutor you so you can get into university next year."
I walk over to her and sit on the bed while I caress the back of her head.
"Kei...?" She whispers. "Did you miss me?"
I sigh as she rolls onto her side and smiles at me.
"Obviously I missed you," I say.
She sits up instantly and hugs me.
"I missed you so much," She sighs and leans her head on my shoulder.
I return her embrace with an enamored expression on my face.
"I get it. Let go, so I can get the cookies."
My fingers study the bite mark I left on her right shoulder.
"I'm clinging to you forever," She smiles without moving.
"You are being a pain," I sigh while I rest my cheek against her shoulder.
It feels nice to sit like this. Close together like this. Neither of us lets go of our embrace.
We wake up lying side by side the next morning and Sacchi has to hurry to get to work on time.
After my exams, we went on several dates that invariably ended with us sleeping over either at my apartment or Sacchi's place.
Tonight She's performing in a club with her band.
I went by her job to pick her up before going to the club with her.
"You look like a military officer with that skirt and vest, hahaha! You know, your uniform obsession made you look like a prim and proper student-council member in high school. But in the real world people are gonna think you are a freak or a cosplayer if they see you in stuff like that," Sacchi teases. "Hey, maybe you should go to the military academy since you like uniforms so much."
"I am still considering the military as a career," I say. "But I am enjoying myself at the moment."
"I bet you'd look really sexy in an actual uniform."
Sacchi's hand strays towards my but and I grab it before she pinches me, so we walk hand in hand.
"Your senpai at work seemed nice."
"Yes. He was the one who introduced me to the band and kept nagging me to clean up my act. He reminded me of you a little, but he isn't secretly a delinquent."
I throw Sacchi a look.
"He isn't the one I dated," She laughs. "That was the drummer. And it was only for a week," She tells me again.
She seems to feel guilty about dating him.
"He broke off with me when he realized the songs I wrote weren't about him... Don't worry, you can take him. Hahaha."
"I don't want him. Did you forget I hate men?"
"Haha. You know what I mean."
"And wouldn't most people be more embarrassed about telling their girlfriend in a not so roundabout way that they've been writing songs about them while they were with other people?"
"Well... I could be proud about it and lie, Kei. But you'd just figure it out anyway," Sacchi sighs. "Besides, this way I can use my songs to seduce you. My aim is to make your heart overflow by the end of our performance."
She lets go of my hand and walks in front of me, pretending to wipe her tears with both hands.
"Oh, Sacchi! That was so beautiful! I never knew I meant that much to you!" My cocky girlfriend whines.
I say nothing.
Then Sacchi whines for real. She can be such a pain.
When I meet the other members of the band the drummer stares at me for a moment. Then he says he graciously admits defeat while the others applaud him and laugh.
I take it as a compliment and behave sociably. I suppose they are nice people for being men.
At the same time, I am a little jealous that Sacchi's senpai could get her to stop smoking and I couldn't.
The club isn't big, but there are a lot of people. The band is good.
They played a lot of very beautiful soft rock songs.
Sacchi's senpai said they used to play some punk rock songs that Sacchi had written, but their fans prefer a more indie rock style.
I'm happy that Sacchi found such good musicians for herself.
But there's something missing. It's not an essential thing. But it's nice to have it once in a while.
Back in my room Sacchi sits on my bed with a bag she's been carrying around since we left the convenience store she works at.
"It's so hot! I thought I was going to die on stage!" She sighs as she undresses. "I'm not used to the heat in a club anymore."
I hand her a bottle of iced matcha tea. Sacchi looks at me as she drinks.
"Haaa... I guess I didn't get to see you cry," She smiles. "I honestly hoped you'd be moved."
"I was moved. But I'm not weeping among a bunch of strangers. Girls who weep get bothered by men."
"Hahaha. Yes, you sure went out of your way not to stand out. You hardly said a word all evening. All you did was compliment our performance and say niceties."
"Of course I'd compliment you," I say before I kiss her. "I always loved your songs. I enjoyed seeing you sing on stage. I was deeply moved."
I continue to kiss her and give her a few pecks on the shoulder.
"Hey," She gently remonstrates. "Don't give me any more marks, okay? My body is full of bruises and they really hurt."
I give her a look.
"You never bite me anymore."
"You can do it if you want. Just don't overdo it, alright. I rather not do stuff like that anymore myself."
"Why not?"
"I told you: I cleaned up my act.
This is the new me," Sacchi smiles. "I'm going to work hard at the store and work hard when you tutor me, so I can get into college next year and I can pay you rent.
I want to be a proper girlfriend to you. So I got these to celebrate us getting together.
I noticed the hole you shot in high school grew shut. We don't have to do it. But I felt romantic and I bought them."
Sacchi is cheerfully holding an ear piercer in each hand which she got out of the bag she's been hauling with her.
Then her face turns funny.
"Hey, why are you crying?" She asks as she places them on the bed and reaches for my cheek.
I wipe my eyes and sniff as she caresses my cheek and hair.
"Well played, Sacchi. I hope you're happy now?"
She tilts her head and then she giggles.
"I'm sorry. I made you cry after all, Kei."
Then she caresses my hair again and we kiss.
"I wanted to show you I want to be with you alone," Sacchi says. "Come. Let me mark your ear."
I lean my head back so she can mark a dot on my earlobe. Then she takes one of the piercers and slides my earlobe between it.
I feel the thing move over my ear.
She is evidently trying to keep her hands still with little result.
"I thought I would be more comfortable doing this to you, but I'm afraid I might be more nervous than I was at that time," Sacchi giggles apologetically.
"It'll be alright," I say. "I'll feel when the piercer is in the right position."
She shows me a confused look.
"What do you mean?"
I lean on my right hand and steady her hand which is holding the piercer with my left.
"I'll drive. You shoot," I say with a sideways glance at her, while, now comprehending what I want her to do, she smiles.
"I got it. Say "now" and I'll pull the trigger."
I carefully feel for the touch of the piercer against my earlobe. When it's in the right position I allow for Sacchi's shaking to steady it when she shoots.
Instantly the stud is shot into my earlobe.
Sacchi opens her eyes and smiles.
"Beautiful! Aren't we a perfect team?" She winks at me and sticks her tongue out between her lips.
"We are," I smile.
Then I take the other piercer in my hand and slid it over Sacchi's earlobe while she winces.
"Wait. Give me a moment to prepare myself."
"Waiting will only serve to make you nervous," I sigh. "Hold still and tell me when you're ready. You know you don't have to worry about me doing this."
"That's true."
She still winces as she smiles. But in a second she becomes calmer.
"Alright. I'm ready," She says.
I shoot before she finishes the last word.
"Whoa! Hahaha!" She laughs. "You're merciless, Kei."
She gingerly touches the stud in her earlobe.
"It's exactly right," I tell her.
"You are a sharpshooter. Maybe you really should go in the military," Sacchi smiles. "Anyway... You may kiss the bride."
She drapes her arms around my shoulders and we kiss several times.
"I'm so glad you found me all those times, Kei. And I'm happy my friends managed to get me out of the world you found me in so that I can shower you in love and kisses every day and be a proper girlfriend for you because I love you so much."
She takes my shirt off and I wince as she starts licking my earlobe.
"I love you too, Sacchi... But you don't have to be proper all the time... Hnn."
She sits up and looks at me with a confused smile.
"What do you mean? Aren't you happy I cleaned up my act?"
"I am," I sigh. "I really am. I am very happy that you feel better about yourself and I am happy you work so seriously when I tutor you and make such progress. But I think your friends went a bit too far when they helped you reform."
"Uhoh. Sounds like someone's a little jealous. Hahaha."
"Yes. I do think I am a little jealous at your senpai for being such a big influence on you, but..."
"I'm sorry I couldn't find the courage to turn my life around back then, Kei.
But you see, those things take time," She says leaning on her hands and looking earnestly at me.
"Yes. My senpai at work told me how to get my life together.
But the real influence behind my reform where your kind words and the memory of your love.
If it wasn't for that, I'm certain all of senpai's words wouldn't have done a thing for me."
I don't know what to say for a moment. She is so good with words.
Indie rock or punk, everything she writes is so beautiful. But I am determined to get my message across.
"Thank you, Sacchi," I blush. "However, what I wanted to say was that I love the new you, but every now and then some delinquent-ish behavior should be allowed. Don't you think?
I don't need us to go to extremes. Maybe I have done that to some extent to compensate. But every now and then I would like some pepper in my sugar."
Once again, she looks surprised.
"Delinquent-ish behavior. You think so? I really don't want to jeopardize our future by doing anything stupid."
She really doesn't get it.
"Look, Sacchi," I say with a glowering eyes. "I love Indie Rock, but sometimes I want to listen to Punk!"
Sacchi shrinks back a little because of my violent way of talking.
"I see," She smiles nervously. "I guess you're right. I might have overdone it a little. I suppose there's nothing wrong being a little naughty once in a while. As long as we don't do anything improper..."
Then I grab her arms and push. She struggles for a moment, but I push her down and start biting and licking and leaving marks all over her body.
" Kei! Please stop! Wait! I'm sorry! We'll have more rough sex once in a while if that's what you want! Not there! Auw! The customers will notice! Hnn!"
I love the new you Sacchi, but I also love that deep down you will always have a blemish.
I suppose my real reason for exposing it is to show your senpai that just like with me, your good manners will always be just a public image.