Thank you for your message

. I am glad that you enjoy my translation of the Persona 3 anthologies.
I answered
a request to translate my Persona anthology scanlations into Chinese a while ago, but I guess it wasn't you. Though, here is my answer to it:
I don’t mind you using my translations for your Chinese translation as long as
- you properly credit my blog for the English translation and the scans
- you don’t translate my early translations (posted before 2017 without any revised translation). There are probably a lot of mistakes in these translations, so I would rather not spread them in another language 😅. But if there is one among those that you would like to translate, just tell me. Then I will work on a revised translation.
- Please refer to the main character of the games as “main character”. In my early translations, I used “Minako”, “Minato” and “Yuu” as names for the protagonists of Persona 3 Portable, Persona 3, and Persona 4, but it was wrong.