Man, what the hell? Why'd you show me her depressive life story just to immediately kill her off!? At least the other dude at some screen time to make his ambitions and his death have impact!
"I can do it if I put my MIND to it"
"Without having to BOW my HEAD to any anyone"
Get shot in the head by bow/arrow.
Out of all the ways that the translator/proofreader can translate "I can do it if I tried" & "I don't have to be afraid", they choose that one.
I can just almost hear the evil crackling from the editor.
Author on some demon mode writing giving us a tear-jerker backstory with a moment of triumph in one panel to switch to Sharon being dealt a headshot the next. Damn can't believe the Mercenary porter dude was done in as well same chapter. Author came to chew bubblegum and kill off side characters, and it appears he's all out of bubblegum to chew!