Yo like... the psychologist mother is straight up abusive. I really like the story but... all these people could do with therapy outside the "power of friendship."
I didn't like it. The ending doesn't feel like a real ending for me and I'm kinda disappointed.
At first I thought Origuchi might be alive somewhere. This wasn't the case and she wasn't pregnant either. I didn't expect a happy ending, but this isn't a sad ending either. It feels somehow incomplete. The whole Narumi family, those 2 bullies, Kouji and many other people are doing what they were always doing. The "main" character doesn't have changed that much and showing her mother at the clinic is weird as well. The smiling doctor, collecting all these informations and photos... it was like a "I knew it. You'll end up here, following my advices. I control all your lifes".
I am amaze with the author 100 pages per chapter but still leave me confused and wanting more in the end hahaha. I might think alot about this for few this! I DEMAND a sequel atleast hahahaha!