So, the bets are it's a custom tailored illusion {Actually pretty impressive considering the time they had for the contestants remaining} that eventually turns their own fears on them.
Ok so I bet 2 things happen:
A: The Moderators spectating see what he sees and they go batshit because he seems to know.
B: Only he sees it and not even the people of administration are able to see it... which would be stupid imo.
Lore-wise this "illusion" seems incredibly stupid ? I mean, how would the admins/mods know about his memories ?
And don't give me the "it's magic shut up" because it isn't this time around !
alright ill pretend someone got pissed off at his cheating like ways and drugged him into seeing this. Anything else would be too stupid for my mind to allow for this great story
A program that can make an illusion base of each person memories?
Why not dominate world with that program to read the most influential ppls?
If it's not program then what? Magic?
Just as well introduce alien in this series like others chinese series
Why not just make a world emulation and give yourself a rest if you can even do this?
If a company did reach this level of advancement. Why didn't it dominate the world at this point?
This is just plain stupid