Please Don't Eat Me! - Ch. 1

Oct 28, 2020
She is sayin she'll change her destiny... But WHAT is her destiny anyways? Is it that she'll die early? Cuz if her destiny is to be eaten by the ml... Layk how she knew she'll be eaten means that's her destiny right? And she'll change that by doing the first move!? Dat is a bargain? 🤔
Nov 26, 2020
Actually. They didn't mean to leave the kids with the debt.
They tried to murder the kids too.
So uh. Not any better.

But also. How the hell did they rack up such a big dept? Like 5 billion money even after they sold the mansion and everything in in???
If I was MC I'd have taken the kids and any money and jewlery I could grab a long time ago. Pick a new name and take the next carriage to some far off village. And make a new life.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 20, 2020

The translation is wrong: the beginning of the chapter starts with "They've gone bankrupt" ," I suppose they've been a upright Holy Knight for all their lives" , "Even if it was a friend they shouldn't have lent them so much money" and "But who knew they were a swindler"

So we are meant to assume they, having been a honorable Holy Knight, naively trusted a 'friend' in a business venture and was left holding the bag after it failed.

Also, a young lady with two small kids, money and no adult is a great combination in the medieval times to get kidnapped, robbed, and either killed or turned into a sex slave.
Jul 14, 2020
I swear I've read this somewhere but I don't know where and what it's title was... But for sure it was the same plot

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