Please help can’t remember manga name

Aug 27, 2018
Well there are actually two.
The first one was a manga about a guy who is inlove with this girl but she’s dating someone. They’re both then infected, I think, with something that turns them into monsters or something similar when they’re turned on and so they can’t have sex with normal people. I don’t remember much from early chapters but there’s one where his enemy traps him and uses a prostitute to try and turn him on. The people that are infected are also then recruited by the guy who infected them. This guy is inlove with the main girl and infected her so that she would be with him. There was another one where he has to battle a monster like him and her power is based off of how much she hates her own beauty and she always carries a mirror. The main girl and guy get together and they have to talk out a fantasy in order to have sex. One of the fantasies was they played tennis, another one was they were at the beach and went into a cave with a weird aphrodisiac light and had sex. They also recruit some infected to their team to battle the evil scientist infecting everyone. One of they guy’s daughter is also turned but she joins the side of evil, I believe. They’re all working adults, btw.
The second one is a manga about a guy that when he was young, would draw his ideal girl and each year he would add to her. He eventually forgets about her and I think he joins the newspaper club and falls in love with his senpai. The girl he drew came to life and is now obsessed with him and he has to find a way to deal with her so he can get with his senpai. The drawing girl has a bunch of super powers like super strength and laser eyes. She also has long black hair and I think a ribbon.
Well, anyways, I hope one of you guys can help me find either of these mangas. Thanks for reading.

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