Please help me find the names of some manga-s that i forgot

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
my memories is hazy , so maybe the plots below are not correct 100 % .

1st manga :

this manga has english translation .

this is some r@cist , $exist , edgy , borderline-henta* manga with an overpowered MC . i didnt like it back then , but now i want to make some memes out of it so im looking for it :

in the very 1st chapter , the male , japanese MC and his class-mates go to a local airport , but then out of nowhere , some random Middle East terrorists attack the japanese airport ( because ... ????? ) .

the terrorists shoot up all the males , rap* all the under-age high-school girls right in the middle of the airport , then the terrorists "penetrate" the girls with their metal bullets and kill them too ( OMG , so r@cist ) .

then some secret agent shows up , then somehow the MC awakes his hidden powers : super strength , super speed , etc etc , then they kill all the terrorists .

then some surviving male class-mates stand up and congratulate the MC , but then the secret agent kill them too , to hide the MC 's powers from the public . then the agent recruits the MC into some secret organization .

later , the MC helps a random school-girl from some m0lester , but later , that night , MC creeps into her bed-room and rap* her . his reasons :

- the m0lester guy only gave you pains , but i will give you a lot of pleasures ( ????? ) . HA HA HA HA .
- girl : but then you are just the same as him .

the next morning , the girl thinks she belongs to the MC now because he popped her cherry ( ?????? OMG , the male mangaka object-ifies women , so $exist ) , so she becomes his girl-friend ( ????? ) , and they walk to school while holding hands ( ????? ) .

2nd manga :

this is an old manga about mecha . i read the japanese raw scans years ago and it looked interesting , but im not sure if it has an english translation or not .

the plot : i dont remember the beginning , but in some chapter , the male , strong MC is suddenly sent to a hospital with some soldiers , including the main girl .

the soldiers shoot up the patients inside the hospital , the MC doesnt understand what is going on , and tries to protect a little boy from the soldiers .

suddenly , behind the MC , the boy transforms into some disgusting machine / cyborg / android monster and attacks him .

it turns out that this hospital turns normal people into machine monsters , and the soldiers are actually the good guys , they try to destroy the evil hospital .

in some later chapter , an army of monsters attack , and the good guys prepare to fight back with their human-controlled , giant robots / machines / tanks / helicopters , but no one let the MC enter their c0ck-pits to fight with them , because :

- 2 big , fat , funny , twin guys say there is no more room for the MC in their small c0ck-pit .
- a le$bian doesnt let him in because she hates men .

finally , the MC is given a small , cheap robot that no one wants . then he kills a monster with the robot 's drilling attack .
Jan 21, 2018
I also want to know more about the 1st manga just asking for a friend

I don't even remember the plot, but maybe Kurogane no Ido for the 2nd one?
Jan 19, 2018
If you find the first give me a shout plz that sounds like something I could have a good laugh with.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@Pika : thank you , but Kurogane no Ido is not my manga . if i remember correctly , in my manga , the MC 's hairs are only 1 cm long . and its art looks old , so it is probably a 1980s , 1990s manga . im still looking for the 2nd manga .

@sterven , @BadWithNames :
i finally found the 1st manga again : .

i had to go back to mangafux and checked every single manga-s with the tag "adult" , for several days .

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