Point Gifter Keikenchi Bunpai Nouryokusha no Isekai Saikyou Solo Life

Dex-chan lover
Jun 21, 2018
Just picked this up as of Chapter 8.1.

Man, now this is something else. Never before have I seen a villainous party leader fuck over so many people at once by exiling their guy with the cheat.

What's more, they knew what his ability does and he reminded them of such before he left. And he fires the guy anyway like as if he thinks all that EXP is gonna stay with them anyhow... That, or he seriously underestimated how much of their EXP actually belongs to Fildo.

Anyhow, let's see where this thing goes.. No harem tag, but no romance tag, either, which is strange considering how that girl was trying to get into his pants. I know, not the same thing, but I'm pretty sure she's been developing a "thing" for Fildo anyhow.
Dec 25, 2020
Meh,just generic plot.

The interesting part is just when guild leader understand they r f*cked up.
Other than that it just okay-ish
Feb 26, 2023
Spoiler Warning

This manga is very interesting and I’ve noticed that this manga shares similarities to the Skill Lender’s Retrieving Manga.

  • Both MCs lend their respective parties their skills and then takes it back making them OP instead.
  • The MC’s takes all the power their former parties accumulated and uses it as their own.
  • The MC’s former parties end up losing battles and their reputation at the same time.

It is a typical kicked out of my adventurer party manga, but with a somewhat darker antagonist.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2023
"Fildo is suddenly fired from "Light of Glory," the top guild in the country and a black guild"

What a breath of fresh air, this is such a new plot setting wow amazing
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Wanted to like it more but it's quickly going in a pretty stereotypical and kind of un-enjoyable direction. Will see how it develops but seems pretty meh so far.
Mar 19, 2020
The art is pretty good. The plot is... not.
When I notice myself skipping to the end of entire chapters in a row to see the resolution, well, the adventure is not engaging.

It's probably symptomatic that we never actually see the updated status board of the MC. His stat's don't matter, he's OP.
Did he get new points-gifter-related abilities? Who cares? Certainly not the author.
Is he going to cleverly use his abilities in a new way? No. Never. That would require thought.

I think this is the closest we will get to a ChatGPT-made manga with human creators. There's just no soul in it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
art's amazing i love the character designs
Blonde guild leader is rather likeable
thats as much credit as i give to this

the gifter ability is restarted and works in the same backwards way the "skill lender" ability does (different manga)
so his ability is introduced as exp amplification, but when he leaves his party the core members who have actually been training and honing their skills are so weak that filler guild members (who were jus there for gifter bennies) can one shot them...
now the kid who really didn't work all that hard but endured mistreatment, the kid who was said to have average sword abilities, is now given way more power than he deserves and only continues to be handed things.
and suddenly come chapter 13(?) he's shown to pretty much have godlike adaptability
so he doesn't actually have to learn how to fight he'll jus get handed an overpowered weapon with broken abilities

the main heroine is average, which is trash in my books
like many other FMCs she saw a character with an OP ability and clung to dear life to him like a maggot clinging to trash.
expectations were subverted when her exploitative nature was called out...
but whats the point if she's just going to shamelessly cling to the MC anyways until the next guy calls her out and makes her feel sad
basically the little bit of character depth added to her is for the explicit purpose of turning her into a sympathetic victim

all g, she's cute and thats all that matters, thats all that ever matters
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
Very generic fantasy, very generic "kicked out by the guild/party/whatever but he's OP" MC.

The MC has the intelligence and emotional maturity of a baby roach. Like, it doesn't surprise me he was used all these years, cause he's a moron with no capabilites of living in a normal society.

The main female girl is cute, but she's just using the MC. There's really no reason to like her, she's just along for the ride cause he's useful. Yes maaaybe down the line she will actually care for him, but now she surely does not.

Imo, this is a hard pass. If you're completely starved for fantasy manga, there's better ones out there. Literally the most interesting character in this manga is the assholish hero, who may be an asshole but he's a sort of normal human being with some qualities too! Everyone else is as flat as a carboard cutout....
Double-page supporter
Jun 3, 2023
Isn’t it going to fast?
One moment he is having a duel with a guy, and the next he has to fight a demon?
And nothing really gets us prepared for it either. What happens to the little girl that we saw coming in? What happened to the guy that was shown behind the counter? I would guess he was poisoned by the guy with long black hair (can’t remember his name) but there’s not much for me to make that guess. It could be so much more.

For the first few chapters, I think it was passably paced, but for the few chapters here? It’s going so fast I can’t really wrap my head around what’s happening. Example, just before the guy activates the thingy to bring the monster, there’s the mention of a sword that’s really important with no prior mention of it?(at least that’s what I think, my memories may be faulty about this)

Give time for things to happen!
Active member
Jan 23, 2023
Great. Another manga that gets eye bleeding terrible after chapter 10. Why do so many writers forget how to write or/and what plot they have already written after a few months?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
Sorry but this author can't write for shit.

Just like daimou or that general whatever once he makes the MC OP from the start he puts up some contrived crap to make them 'weak' for dozens of chapters until the climax then rinse and repeat forever. Guy has no idea how to write around OP MC trope (which is admittedly hard but there's plenty of authors that successfully go around that without some dumb drama).
Jun 6, 2024
I have read a few chapters and it's painful how stupid the plot and characters are. Why would they kick out an XP booster for no reason, even when he literally tells them that he will take all the XP back? Why would the MC put up with their bullshit, at least if he was cunning and wanted to use them to boost his level? Oh, there is no one in the area and he is standing between the neck and severed head of a dragon, stained by its blood. "oH aNOthER parTY mUsT haVe sLaiNED him" ehm ye sure dragons are so easy to kill so why would they even retrive those precious materials. I didnt read all of it, but Mc has no personality, he is naive kid with cheat ability with no drawbacks and his ex party members are just douchebags without reason obsessed with revenge.
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Aggregator gang
Jul 9, 2024
Not sure I would go so far as to call this trash, but is in the low-mid range. While it makes use of a lot of cliches, the thing that solidifies it in the low-mid is the pacing. It moves way too quick, so to slow it down it frequently does weird shoehorned flashbacks. One thing that is really infuriating is the fact that the king didn't take the word of the well-respected merchants and have the guild leaders arrested on the spot. There were plenty of witnesses so there was no reason to let them go virtually unscathed at the time.

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