@Oysterwhite one of the most badass scene for me is when the 3 key villains in R/G/B, yellow and G/S, teamed up to hold arceus' rampage in HG/SS. The most shocking truth is when i know the one behind the event of jirachi is team rocket's admin (actually a spy from team galaxy). And the most epic moment is when yellow leading red's pikachu to unleash the final move to lugia
It's cool for the development of some old characters (even one who looked like a side character) to be seen in recent chapters. Like bill, the founder of pokemon transfer system. I actually want to mention the influence of some random fisherman in yellow's skill in using fishing rod, but my memory is not that good.
And sorry i can't mention the connection of older generation to the recent generation. Being the recent chapters is still yet finished. So my understanding is still jumbled. Maybe i have to reread it again