
Group Leader
Jul 29, 2019
On mangadex's homepage the cover for this manga looked as if someone put the head of a girl onto a bodybuilder's jacked body.

Made me laugh, thanks for the upload :)
Jun 27, 2018
man, a story on the level of something for children. I guess that's why it was released in a shounen magazine.
a monster that's always hungry and that lusts after eating humans reminds me of a different story that's written far better, this one just wasted its opportunity
by not ending the story with euthanizing the alien. Seriously, this is +- on the level of a hunter killing a wild animal and taking in its offspring, just to risk himself falling prey to it later once it's fully grown. Being sentient doesn't help if it isn't utilized to make the story more complex and set up the stage for the personal and societal conflict, otherwise you are just writing a propaganda piece against treating everything differently, with a special focus on identity/identification and transhumanism [which is where these stories with sentient aliens and robots excel].

This reminded me of all the bad points of e.g. Darling in the Franxx where they threw that background story of Zero Two at you to create sympathy for her and the main characters past that instead of criticizing humans playing god [once again] went a 180 on the enemy of humanity (like this story) and then you got to accept it somehow, or the world building makes no sense at all.

But maybe my perception is wrong and this story appeals to and aims to expose the naivety of the modern society, accepting everything and everyone without questioning the real relationship between it and the individual. Maybe it's setting a pivot here so people can think about rationality of choices rather than just following some kind of ideology [ e.g. "all aliens are bad because they are foreign species and invaders" or "all aliens are good because they look like us and think/act similarly"] since this story doesn't really go either way
although it still kinda wants to set up the "all aliens are bad" thesis as an counter-ideology that manipulates the mind into acceptance because it appeals to the human societal concept of justice which is already found in little children before the age of 5.
However, it is still shown that there is reasonable evidence to assume the threat they pose (the knowledge about the power of the race in question and its display in the end + the backstory of the female protagonist slaying the alien just to take in its offspring) to pivot at the intellect of the reader to overcome the bias of "justice" due to the human shape and the supposed "mistreatment" of the alien.

Sadly, I cannot give it a good rating because I don't know if this is accidental and the writer just wanted to appeal modern ideologists, or if it's done with calculation, aiming at opening the minds of the audience to the possible consequences (although not explicitly shown) of following ideologies of acceptance,tolerance and other bogus ideals some people have of what an animal (including the homo sapiens) actually is and thus has to be treated like.
Group Leader
Feb 9, 2020
https://twitter.com/monono2739/status/1209050251941670912 good story too

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