Possibility to ignore a team for a specific title without totally hiding it


Group Leader
May 22, 2019
This is quite specific, but when multiple teams translate the same manga, people usually only read the chapters from the one they consider to have better quality, and would like to ignore the others. I think it would be nice to be able to prevent the title to show up in the updates feed when some specific team publishes a chapter. Also, the chapters published by that team could be greyed, but still show up on the title page.

Right now, the only way to do this is to block the team, but that means its chapters aren't displayed at all, which can be a problem in some cases (cf. this thread).

Also, it would be nice for this feature to be title specific (eg. for a manga, I read the english version, so I'd like to ignore the one published by a french team, but for another one, that same french team is the only one to publish)
Upvote 0
Jan 8, 2023
When blocking groups you can show hidden chapters and still see them on the manga title.
Jan 19, 2018
I think it would be nice to be able to prevent the title to show up in the updates feed when some specific team publishes a chapter.
Chapters from a blocked group or blocked uploader and chapters that do not match language filters already do not show up in update feeds

Also, the chapters published by that team could be greyed, but still show up on the title page.
For what reason?

Also, it would be nice for this feature to be title specific (eg. for a manga, I read the english version, so I'd like to ignore the one published by a french team, but for another one, that same french team is the only one to publish)
Considering the existing limitations of blocks and filters, I highly doubt this will happen because of computational cost and other complexities.

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