possible Bug with follows and last update showing incorrect

Feb 6, 2018
I have noticed with some of the manga's that I follow, that some of them have received updates recently as in within the last month or less however they are showing a much earlier date as the last update. good example are the two below

https://mangadex.org/manga/21191/catulus-syndrome -- two chapters were updates 1month ago but when looking in the follow list it shows last update 6 months

https://mangadex.org/manga/12703/saijaku-muhai-no-bahamut -- last update was 26 days ago and before that 2 months but shows last update in the follow page as 5 months

I am not sure if this is an issue from when the site changed form it's old format to the new format/layout of the site was changed.

On an interesting note I was just browsing through to see if there was a common denominator to the issue and stumbled across the opposite issue. This time where the reported last update was sooner than the actual last update.

https://mangadex.org/manga/24512/gacha-wo-mawashite-nakama-wo-fuyasu-saikyou-no-bishoujo-gundan-wo-tsukuriagero -- last update on follows list shows 1 month but actual last update on chapters page shows last update 3 months

https://mangadex.org/manga/8058/gakusen-toshi-asterisk -- last update on follows shows 1 month where on the chapters page last update was 6 months

it seems hit or miss as many others are just fine , could be an issue with just some specific tittles or an general issue I am not sure, And well it could be an issue with me who knows yet.
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
>Saijaku muhai no bahamut
There's a bug with delayed chapters not updating the last updated time when the timer finishes.

>Gacha wo mawashite
The last chapter uploaded was 1 month ago in Russian, which is another issue. Last updated column doesn't consider filter languages. It used to, but it crashed the site a bunch. So it was reverted.

>Gakusen toshi
Last chapter a month ago in Portuguese (br), same thing.
Feb 6, 2018
ah one thing I also just noticed , the time isn't different when on the follows page and being sorted by chapters,which is the main follows page. It appears to show up though when I sort by "reading","completed", ect.

so from what your saying its reporting last update for the mange period, and not being sorted by language then ?

that is good to know then as I stated it could just be me that was seeing things wrong and int appears that was right

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