Prince, Don't Do This!

Feb 6, 2018
Same @clark7580 While the story seems to try and deviate from clichés, or even turn them over, it falls way too easily in the cliché trap. I've put it on hold too in order to binge read it later on.
About the step mom, she didn't play that big a role if I remember correctly. Just the (underhanded) antagonist of an arc, and done. But the husband ... he SERIOUSLY needs some character development, stat. He's just hanging there between being the cliché sadistic egomaniac and someone who actually genuinely cares for her, acting all wishy-washy. Time for him to actually realize she's not a dumb beauty and involve her with his politics.
Sep 26, 2018
Hi @Angie7
Just the (underhanded) antagonist of an arc, And i don't think i can stand the husband's character.
This is the thing i can't get past of it unless i have a will for it. I get agitated so easily. This is exactly why i stopped reading such categories, i know i shouldn't be but what can be done .. this is me...!
I guess i will continue this on when i probably would've nothing to read. It's gonna be one slow read i just know it...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Wish this would update more, it's always so good, but it always feels so short.
Jun 28, 2018
Is there a missing chapter or something? Spoiler alert for the last few chapters—idk how to hide a spoiler so you’ve been warned—I know he was supposed to take a second wife, now all of the sudden he’s married? It just seems like it jumped. I’m having a super hard time with this anyway bc of the names. It’s hard enough keeping up with them, but then there’s nicknames and, on top of that, they call each other by title, too. I like the story, but their way of speaking doesn’t translate too well to English. I really wish the translators, If they’re going to translate to English anyway, would make it more English friendly. The suffixes they add on to signify someone younger, for example, adds to my confusion bc to me it looks like a whole new name. Not complaining, just saying that as an English speaker so much of the language is superfluous and only adds to confusion since we don’t know what the hell it means anyway. I was about 200 chapters in before a translator finally noted was the “‘er” was for. Geez...just saying, they translate much differently than Japanese manga do. There, translators actually get it close to how English speakers converse, making it easier to understand, but I, as an English speaker, can’t possibly understand not only how Chinese converse with one another, but in a historical setting too. I just have to get the gist of it and hope for the best, LOL.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 7, 2019
I’m in the same boat as @MazzieB811. But even putting all that aside, the protagonist has become so whiny and stupid over time, without showing much discernible growth, so I think I’m just gonna drop it.
May 4, 2019
I'm loving it! I think the female protagonist is string as heck. I couldn't imagine being in her position and handling it with such grace.

...slightly concerned SPOILER ALERT!

That the 2nd wife is preggers with their lover's baby which will effect the 1st wife/protagonist 😭😔😖

Soooo juicy!

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Jun 28, 2018
Soo...I think more ppl would be using spoiler tags if it was more obvious how to use them. I’ll be happy to if you’ll tell me how, LOL. I see a bunch of text editing tools and that’s it. I’m usually on my phone if that makes a difference. I’m afraid to just go trying random buttons bc last time I did that I almost reported an innocuous comment, don’t wanna do that again, so where’s the spoiler tag?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 12, 2018
@MazzieB811 the spoiler is the crossed out eyeball. When you click it there are square brackets and you write your spoiler inbetween the [spoilers] insert spoilser text here [\spoilers].
Anyway. I'm here for the MC she cute
Jan 31, 2018
i've been reading this since.. it was on batoto? i think? and honestly i have no idea what the plot is nor any motives of the characters.
May 16, 2018
when you look at ch255, read the the last panel and the recruit panel as if the manhua is still flowing on (eg. last 2 pages). it's so funny.
Jun 28, 2018
Ok, I know I have commented on this story a million times (@unime thx for the tip on the spoiler tag, you rock!!) It’s bc I REALLY want to like the story, I really do, I just have no idea what the hell is going on and I keep hoping against hope that the author or someone will get the notes (I’m not going to hold my breath, but you know). The translation has gotten SO much better than it was in the beginning, but I can’t follow the story, it bounces around so much from wife to brother in law to brother back to wife, and my American ass was ALREADY having a hard time keeping up just bc of everyone’s names (I don’t have trouble with Japanese names whatsoever, but Chinese names are almost impossible for me to track and keep them straight). I think the story, mainly the relationship between the main characters, is adorable, I just wish the rest of it made sense and the plot stayed on a straight line long enough to get anywhere. I don’t have enough experience with Manhua (hell, if that’s even the right name, I can’t remember—Chinese manga, you know what I mean) to know if this is normal or not as far as stories bouncing around. Point is maybe it’s just cultural differences that has me so confused. At first the translation was largely to blame, but these guys are doing a great job now so I can’t fault them at all, so it has to be that the writing just isn’t sitting well with my brain. Idk—i just have so much time invested I don’t want to drop it, not to mention what I CAN understand about the story is cool, but when it loses me it REALLY loses me, and then I get annoyed, LOL. I love the historical stuff, I find it interesting, but I think the chapters are too short to encompass everything the author wants to have going on. The story is too complex for this format, at least that’s what I think the problem is. Anyone else have any input on that? Just curious what others think.
Nov 28, 2018
This is short chapter but actually has good story and art is superb too. The shoujou is strong but it not the main isue, and this emperor is too op in this story.
Oct 11, 2018
I just learned that this manhua got adopted to drama currently airing called "The Love by Hypnotic". I only viewed the English subbed previous and read the drama summary, I didn't see any similarities between the drama and manhua. The only things similar are the name of the leads and the marriage contract. The summary said the FL hypnosis the ML to fall in love with her. I don't recall that plotline at all.


Mar 12, 2019
Just in the beginning of reading this, but it seems kinda shit tbh. The female lead is annoying as fuck and high key a lil stupid.

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