@Jergin27 thats just it, both are bullshit. Thats why noone takes Tezuna seriously. But the """negative probability""" is presented as such cause its told by a charismatic character. Charisma makes a cult work.
Sure the author kinda represents it as something real, but its shear madness. The cult leader doesn't really know about higher dimensions, but hear/read about it somewhere. Its like how science fiction is filled with A.I. and Nanobots, the authors might have read a few articles about them, but know jack.
People tend to forget that these cults many times work on some pseudo science crap that sounds utter bull to anyone who actually knows the field, but an untrained listener or maybe a novice in the field will eat it up. Sometimes they use faulty, but good sounding arguments filled with fallacies to prove their conclusions.
Kinda like when you take an exam, do every step wrong yet get the good answer.