Constantine came out in 2005. The story takes place in 2021-ish. Was mom Akine's age in 2005, or was she already an adult, and still taking these kinds of pictures. But then why is this her "youth". Usually people don't refer to their 20's as their "youth". Chapter 16 has her at 15 around the time a new Reeves movie came out, which is presumably Constantine. That's the year Akine should have been born. So did she become a teen mom, keep watching movies for years until John Wick came out, then ban them? That's the only thing that makes sense, but then that means Akine was anywhere from 7 to 9 years old by the time mom decided movies were banned, and should probably remember being able to do things like watch movies, or use the internet. Unless she decided that basically within a couple of years of Akine being born, but then decided to keep watching them like a hypocrite.
What the fuck is this timeline?