Mountains of untranslated manga and novels out there, where any half-arsed translation is better than none and bound to receive some taps on the back, yet the sniping arses insist on directing their shitty works into series with good quality active translation. And for what? Are they masochists that enjoy getting dissed?
The translator of this manga has even been asking for help the last few chapters, if you absolutley have to work on this, why not offer to help them instead of needlessly sniping?
The translator of this manga has even been asking for help the last few chapters, if you absolutley have to work on this, why not offer to help them instead of needlessly sniping?
Sorry but I don't believe MTL makes justice to translations.
I'm not asking N1 japanese level either, just that they could fully read this manga and that's it.
but again, if I don't find help is fine, there's two nice guys helping me already.
The thing is, if this fucker keeps the snipes I'll drop the series. Sorry