Rakudai Kenja no Gakuin Musou: Nidome no Tensei, S-Rank Cheat Majutsushi Boukenroku - Vol. 2 Ch. 5.2

Oct 13, 2018
For me it's a bit anticlimactic... Why don't he grind them to the bone
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
Okay, i like that they didnt got away and got properly hanged, but still, that felt i bit toooo rushed :D
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
Not sure if artist only told father and son executed or something, but should be "hanged before the public." not "beheaded before the public." Beheaded means their heads were separated from their torsos by a blade. Like a guillotine, ax, or in rare cases a sword cutting through the neck completely. Usually a sharp blade is used, but sometimes to make the condemned suffer or incompetence on maintenance a dull blade is used requiring multiple cuts until finally get all the way through. Unlike Harry Potter's Nearly Headless Nick's killer, they need to make sure that if say someone is being beheaded they're beheaded as half assed, incomplete executions would make them look bad or can't even get a simple task done even if rep at the lowest and incompetent as hell.

Good MC and his family were spared. Most governments with kings, princes, etc. around that level tend to discourage treason by executing the family of the traitor (varies between just wife, kids, mother, father, or if include aunts, uncles, and cousins once or twice removed or anyone with any blood connection.) So has MC revealed that he's not just talented but the progenitor of the family (or at least person credited with being first and the family line starting with him?)

@Wolvenworks Depends on how the noose is tied and whether the intent is to give a quick death by breaking the neck or a slower, painful death by asphyxiation from the rope cutting off their ability to breath. Wire isn't usually used as it's not good for breaking necks, and if it cuts partway or completely through the throat the blood would make a mess that would have to be cleaned up to avoid increasing risk of disease and pests like flies.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
it's nice that he's alive and all but all this means is that MC's stupidity and hesitation has no consequences, he'll probably go back to his old ways now
Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2019
it's nice that he's alive and all but all this means is that MC's stupidity and hesitation has no consequences, he'll probably go back to his old ways now
Fitting username considering what you're predicting... I agree with you 110% however.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
oh snap, the villains actually died! No more pointless japanese mc mercy, woohoo! Also, I'm really happy that Fraser survived. His fake death did the story good
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2019
@Wolvenworks It's rare, but it has happened before. It's usually the result of one or more of the following factors: falling too far (like a few meters or so instead of feet) before reaching end of the line, person being hanged is heavy (saw article of decapitation by hanging for person 95kgs so roughly that or higher increases chances) and material for noose is thin and/or inelastic. So if a thin wire or cable was used that didn't break from the stress, person is 400 pounds, and fell 15 feet before reaching end of line good chance of decapitation occurring. However, a 120 pound person using a noose made from proper material for hanging and putting it on right will likely get a broken neck after falling three feet or die of asphyxiation from the noose pressuring his arteries and airway closed with decapitation highly unlikely.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@firosahoge I'm.. conflicted. Letting his big bro go ahead and nearly die, plus then subsequent flashy murder train, were really weird and at odds with most of the series prior, but I do see what you're saying about it's refreshing for some horrible villains to be properly gotten rid of.

I definitely wouldn't say that fake death was a positive though, I'm curious what you like about it? Better than him legitimately getting killed off for no good reason, but why's it beat him simply not going forward?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
@Fari for a series, from an artistic standpoint, it would be better if his brother actually died, because that's how life works. However, you have to keep in mind the target audience. They started reading an op reincarnation mage story to just roflstomp the enemies. The brother dying when mc could have protected him is rage inducing, and really took away from the "enraged mc" trope where he slaughters everyone. Most people were just commenting, "he could have easily saved his brother!". The target audience wants no stress, easy wins, easy fights, harem, impress everyone, one punch man action. If the author was actually skilled, I guess we can trust him to delve into philosophies of life and death but nah, just give us op mc carnage.
Aug 23, 2019
At least the forced drama I expected didn't kick in, good on the author's part. This should be fun.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
i thought the elder brother was blown to bits...... oh well... i guess it doesn't matter lol
Jul 8, 2020
Of course they are just gonna accept the fact that he's Epthal just with a shrug...

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