This manga is significantly made worse by the inclusion of the two worthless shithead friends who never once get told off for their outrageously unacceptable behavior, let alone the ass kicking they truly deserved for it. "How dare you be living with a woman! I demand you steal her underwear and I'll forgive you for the crime of not being a worthless piece of shit like me!" This kid is a blossoming sex criminal and should have been made to swallow his own teeth and learn some fucking humility. And they never once showed an ounce of consideration for the fact that the MC's dad, his last living relative, died and left him alone two weeks before that conversation at the start of the manga.
Nearly every seinen/shonen romance main character has useless piece of shit "friends" (only two exceptions I know of: Undead Lovers, and Domestic Na Kanojo), but this manga really takes the shitty friend cake.